From the First Moment (Ominis Gaunt x Reader)

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Description: Ominis finally admits his feelings for you after a somewhat rocky friendship.


"You're going to have to tell her eventually, Ominis." Sebastian speaks over his shoulder to his friend, between blasting curses aimed at the dueling dummy he had recently stolen.

"Sebastian, I have no idea what you are talking about." Ominis feigned ignorance from his spot on the floor. He knew damn well what his friend was talking about, but he had never even told Sebastian.

Sebastian, of course was fed up with his friends stubbornness, and whirled around, "You basically drool at her every time she enters a room. You always ask about her. Just talk to her yourself, mate. I think you'll be surprised with the outcome."

"I do not drool! And I only ask about her because she's your friend. Of course I'll ask about my best friends friend!"

"Whatever, mate." Sebastian mumbles, tucking his wand into his robe, "I'm getting food from the kitchen. What do you want?"

The kitchen was absolutely filled with laughter. The smell of apples and cinnamon permeated the air and the sound of a record player in the corner made the atmosphere even cozier.

This threw Sebastian off when he first entered the kitchen, usually at this point of the night, most of the house elves were asleep, and the few that weren't worked in quiet.

When his eyes landed on the source of laughter, he understood right away.  There, surrounded by a few house elves, was y/n.

"You know, Penny." He watched you speak to the elf perched beside the dough you were working on, "Maybe you should work in the kitchens here instead of that  dusty old shop."

The house elf giggled, "Oh no, Miss. Penny loves working in the Shop! Penny loves having you as her Master!"

MC stops kneading the dough, pausing to splash a little flour at the house elf, which only causes the little thing to giggle harder, "I am not your master, you goof ball! I just to happened to buy the shop you work at. But really, if you want to stay there, I could conjure up a little kitchen for you. You can sell your baked goods!"

The house elf jumps to her feet, hugging MC, "Oh would you really! You're the best friend anyone could as for!"

Sebastian stepped out of the shadows as another elf, whom he recognized as Deek, took the dough and sprinkled it with spices, "Agreed, Miss Penny."

The girl and her house elf jumped high, startled by Sebastian. MC smiled, "Merlins sake Seb. You scared the daylights out of us!"

Deek, who was now putting the love into an oven chuckled, "Mr. Sallow did not scare Deek. Deek saw him enter."

"Deek could have warned Penny and her friend!" Penny scolded.

"Deek thought it was funny." Deek shrugged.

"What brings you here at this late hour, Seb?" MC throws a towl over her shoulder. She had her hair braided over her shoulder, and her knee length, dress was covered in flour dust. Sebastians eyes fell to her arms, where her long sleeves were rolled past her elbows, showing the scars from her most terrifying battle.

Sebastian prys his eyes off of her body and makes eye contact, "Oh, Ominis and I were studying in the Undercroft and he was feeling peckish."

MC grinned widley, "Oh excellent! We just got done baking a bunch of stuff! Here!"

MC waves her wand, conjuring two brown paper bags. Sebastian watches as numerous food items floated into them, "Wow, you three have been busy."

MC nods, "Indeed! We come down here every Friday night and Penny here teaches me to bake stuff. I conjure up a record player and some of the Kitchen Elfs dance a bit, it's always such a blast! Shame you came in after the rest of the party went to sleep!"

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