Tension Between Enemies (Sirius Black x Slytherin! Reader)

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Description: Sirius can't get his emotions in check when it comes to Y/n.

Warning: Spice/slight smut.


"Look at her, flying around like she owns the place," Sirius grumbled as he watched Y/n dart through the art on her brooms.

James had talked his friends into studying in the quidditch stands- partially since the weather was nice, but mostly to spy on Slytherins practice.

"Cut her some slack, Padfoot," James rolled his eyes, "Believe it or not, she's actually pretty chill."

"Shes chill because her heart is a solid block of ice," Sirius rolled his eyes, yet he didn't look away from her form as she landed on the field below, "She's a Slytherin. Slytherins are cold bitches."

"Have you ever even talked to her?" Remus didn't even bother to glance up from his book.

"Barely," Sirius admitted, "But when I did she was a bitch."

"I'm sure she was," James rolled his eyes.

"Speak of the devil," Peter smirked.

Below, the quidditch team dispatched- and instead of heading to the lockers with the rest of them, Y/n mounted her broom and to Sirius's dismay, headed straight for them. He attempted to gather his things and leave quickly.

She was there in a flash, startling them all. Her boots landed against the wood with a hard thud as she dismounted infront of James.

Her voice was like silk, which Sirius found rather grating, "Hey Potter, enjoy the show?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, L/n, you are a formidable badass as always." James smiled at the girl, who laughed.

Sirius hoped she hadn't really noticed him, attempting to nonchalantly sneak off. But of course, her voice found his ears, "Where do you think you're going, Mr. Tall Dark and Mysterious?"

He slowly turned back to her, "Last I checked, I don't have to report to you, Snake."

Y/n raised her eyebrow at Sirius, "What, got enough of an eyeful while I was playing? I figured with your constant staring you'd want to see me upclose and personal."

"It's hard to not stare at someone who's so shit at quidditch," Sirius snapped, his eyes betraying him as they raked down her body. The black qudditch uniform that she wore for practice really showed, well, alot.

"Alot of shit talk for someone who's literally undressing me with their eyes," Y/n teased, unfazed by his sharp tongue.

"I am not- you know what? Whatever. I'm going to the common room. I'll see you boys later," he addressed his friends, storming off.

He was absolutely not undressing her with his eyes. Sure she had one hell of a body, but he had standards. No way was he about to touch her, ever.


Her hand ran up his bare torso, her other brushing his inner thigh. He panted, his hips bucking at her soft touch.

He didn't know how he got here, laying on the wooden bleachers- his body surrendering to her.

"Whats that Black?" She whispered teasingly as her hand grew dangerously close to his member.

"Please," he whimpered. It was unlike him to beg. Usually the girls begged for him.

She laughed teasingly pulling down his boxers, letting his erection spring free. She lowered her face. So close. So fucking close, "Since you asked so nicely, baby."

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