An Interesting Turn of Time. (MC x Harry Potter x Hogwarts Legacy.

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Description: The Room of Requirement gives you what you require. So when the golden trio find themselves needing powerful friends to defeat a powerful foe, the Room delivers a certain trio from the past.

A/N: I know this is silly but bear with me.


The evening it all happened, MC, Sebastian and Ominis could be found in their usual spot: the Room of Requirement. After defeating Ranrok last year, MC decided to show them her secret.

MC used the room as a place to study and relax, Sebastian read and practiced spells, and Ominis mainly smuggled the creatures out of the vivarium for a cuddle. This day though, the trio sat on the couch reading.

No one else knew about this room, so when the door creaked open and 2 guys and a girl walked in like they owned the place, it threw the three slytherins of guard.

MC flung herself off of Ominis's and Sebastian's laps, landing on the floor with her wand out in the stereotypical  superhero pose.

Sebastian and Ominis stood quickly as well, wands out. The trio that had just entered the door froze, clearly shocked.

MC spoke first, "You have exactly three seconds to explain who the hell you are before I crush you like a bug."

The girl raised her hands to show she was no threat. The ginger boy was still frozen, and the one with black hair and glasses held his wand tightly. The girl turned and hissed, "Harry, for Godrics sake put your wand away."

The girl turned toward the trio and began to speak, "We don't mean to intrude. It's just, we were walking passed the room thinking about how we needed someone powerful to defeat the Death Eaters. And the door appeared."

Harry sighed, eyeing the slytherins suspiciously, "We were hoping it was giving us a weapon... but..."

Ron, finally realizing that they weren't in mortal danger, manages to speak, "Why are you uh, dressed like that?"

MC looked over her shoulder to Sebastian, as if to communicate that their new visitors had obviously went around the bend. Sebastian leaned over, explaining the situation to Ominis.

MC tucked away her wand and stepped forward, "First of all, what exactly are death eaters? Second, I can't speak for my boys, but I sure as Merlin have never seen you lot around here. Third, I think we are dressed just fine, thank you."

"Hermione Granger," Hermione held out a hand for MC to shake, "I'll answer your questions, but I think I have an answer to Ron's question first. Those are old uniforms, as in late 1800's. I recognize them from my books."

MC frowned down at her new uniform, "What do you mean old? I just bought them from gladrags yesterday? Also it is the late 1800's. Have you lot gone mad?"

"It's 1997. And I think the Room may have reached through time." Hermione began pacing.

"Aye, she's gone mad. Totally bonkers," Sebastian says wearily, subtly putting his hands on MCs shoulders and pulls her away from the mad woman.

"I'm not insane. I recognize you too. From the book that is. You're MC, the Hero of Hogwarts."

About an hour passed, and Hermione had managed to explain the situation to everyone. The Room had the perfect solution to the Golden Trios problem, so it delivered. The room had taken MC, Ominis, and Sebastian to the 20th century.

"We need to tell Dumbledore." Harry whispered, eyeing the Slytherin Trio that sat together on the couch across from him."

"That we do. But they'll need to blend in." Hermione eyed MC. "The boys will blend in, but we'll need to shorten your skirt a bit. And change your shoes."

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