Newt Scamander

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"You blasted duck billed rodent." You mumble, reaching further under your bed. You had just gotten back to your room in the faculty tower after teaching. You were the newest edition to the Hogwarts faculty, teaching Care of Magical Creatures. You had only been here for about a week, and already your Niffler Sir Piffles had stolen McGonagall's favorite hair pin.

The niffler scurried further into the corner under your bed, just a hint of the golden pin sticking from his pouch.  You could have sworn the little terror just blew his tongue at you!

"Fine, you wanna play that way." You shove yourself out from under the bed pulling out your wand, "Levioso!"

The niffler squealed, jumping onto your desk. You drop the bed with a thud, pouncing onto the desk. You are struggling with the little bastard when there is a knock at your door.

"Merlins sake Minnie! I said, give me 5 minutes to get your-" you grab the niffler by his scruff and stop over to the door, ranting. Flinging the door open, you expect to see Minerva. Instead, you are met by Dumbledore.

He smiles patiently, raising an eyebrow at your disheveled appearance, then the niffler. "Miss L/N, have we caught you at a bad time?"

You drop the niffler, who scurried back to the vivarium in the corner of your room, and quickly straighten out your shirt and hair, "Oh Albus! I'm so sorry, I thought you were Minnie here to harp on me over that blasted hair pin and I-"

Dumbledore chuckled, "You are perfectly fine Y/N, it's I who dropped by unannounced. I have a friend I wish for you to meet. May we come in?"

You nod, stepping out of the door way. Albus enters, and is followed by a tall skinny man with fluffy brown hair. He's eyes shift to yours for only enough time to nod in greeting, then return back to the floor.

Dumbledore sits on the corner of your bed, gesturing for the man to take a seat at one of the only chairs, "This, Y/N, is Newt Scamander."

Your eyes widen, "Mr. Scamander! I'm a huge fan of your work!"

You stick your hand out to shake his, which he takes with a shy smile, "Likewise. Call me Newt, by the way."

Dumbledore smiles, clearly proud of his friendship match making abilities, "Newt here is in the area for a few weeks, as there is a Hunga-"

"Hungarian Horntail in the area!" You finish his sentence with excitement, "I actually just tracked it back to its nest yesterday!"

Newts eyes widen, "You found its nest already?"

You shrug your shoulders, "Course. I make it my business to know about the beasts in my territory. The giant toads, the thestrals, even the Graphorns that were down at Clagmar coast."

"Were?" New stares at you, full attention now.

"Yes, unfortunately I had to relocate them to my vivarium. Poachers have been awful in the area since before mu mother started here." You gesture to your vivarium. "Where are my manors, could I get you gentlemen some tea? Or butterbeer?"

Dumbledore shakes his head, standing, "No thank you dear. I was just here to introduce the two of you, and it's seems I was hardly needed. I'll be off to dinner now. The house elves are setting up Mr. Scamander's room in the one next door. Please, keep him company."

"Will do, Professor." You smile as Dumbledore leaves the room.

"I do not wish to intrude, but may I see the inside of your vivarium?" Newt smiles at you, eyes taking in your shy form.

You smile, "Of course, I have some unfinished business with a hard headed niffler to attend to anyway."

Newt laughed, following behind you as you enter the vivarium. "My niffler tried to rob a bank in New York once."

You let out a bark of laugher and quickly cover your mouth, "New York?!"

"Indeed." He looks around the entrance, taking in the crystalline cavern. The entire place was filled with growing amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli... you name it.

You see the look of awe on Newts face and smile, "It's kind of a last resort, you know? Usually the nifflers get too distracted to leave the vivarium. Usually. Apparently Piffles has appetite for more of a metal variety."

Newt chuckled, still looking around, "It's beautiful. Is that emerald?" He walked over to the left wall, getting as close to the crystal as he could without touching it.

You walk over beside him, watching as he studies the crystals, open mouth, "Yes! It's my favorite." You think for a minute, studying the man, "Be careful Mr. Scamander, I'm starting to think you may be just a giant niffler yourself."

He sheepishly grins at you, rubbing the back of his neck, "Right. Sorry."

Putting a hand on his arm, you giggle at him, "There's nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes I sit in here and stare for hours myself. However," you shrug off your robe, leaving on just a white button up, short green plaid skirt with knee high socks and black suspenders, "You have to take that coat off, the Puffskeins will ruin it in a second."

He chuckles, "Right." Distracted, you don't notice his eyes traveling up your frame, "So, slytherin. I would have never guessed."

You take his coat, looking down and blushing. "Oh, Merlins beard. I made a bet with my class that they couldn't name 20 different beasts on the first day. Well, they did. So here I am in my old uniform."

"That's delightful," Newt laughs at your red face, "Still doesn't seem like very Slytherin actions though."

You reach out and push his shoulder playfully, causing him to stumble back over exageratingly, "Not all of us are assholes, Newt. Just ambitious. I mean, here I am at 27 teaching at Hogwarts."

He smiled, "Fair enough."

You lean in, conspiritoriously, "Besides, you wanna know a secret?"

Newt nodded, leaning in, quietly gulping at your closeness, "The hat was debating whether or not to put me in Hufflepuff."

His eyes widen, and he laughed, "No way. That's so odd, Slytherin vs. Hugflepuff. What a combination."

"You're telling me," you smile and reach out, grabbing his hand. "Come on, I have to introduce you to some friends."

Around midnight, you and Newt stumbled out of the vivarium, laughing.

"That's incredible!" Newt laughed in astonishment, "I thought I had the last two mating Graphorns!"

"Well Mr. Magizoologist, I'm full of surprises!" You turn to the clock, and Newt takes the opportunity to really look at you. You were beautiful. Not only physically, but your good nature and love for the animals made his heart flutter.

"Blimey!" You exclaim, causing him to jump, "Is it really already midnight?"

Newt rubs the back of his neck, tilting his head down in attempt to hide his blushing face, "I guess that means we missed dinner, huh?"

You think a moment, then clap your hands, "No sir. I never skip out on food."

"Well where are we meant to get it at this hour?" He raises an eyebrow at you.

"The kitchens, duh." You laugh, shaking your head at him.

"You know where they are?"

"You've never been there?" You say in astonishment.

"The Hufflepuff common room had snacks."

"Ah, I see. Well I used to sneak out of the dorms at night to get food. I have good rapport with the house elves."

He shakes his head, admiring you openly, "Such a Slytherin."

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