crossover (Wizarding World x Reader x Twilight Saga)

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A/n: Feeling a bit unhinged today. Indulge me.

Description: On the same night that Dumbledore died, the reader too was attacked by death eaters. However, there was an unexpected visitor, waiting for Dumbledore in his office- who smelled the Reader as she bled out, and saved her. Now, roughly a year later- the girl who everyone thought dead returns to Hogwarts for battle with her new family.

A/n: just be glad I'm not making Edward really be Cedric.


"No, no no!" Y/n repeated to herself as she sprinted down the hallway, looking for help. She wasn't sure what happened, but she was sure of three things: Dumbledore was dead, deatheaters were in the castle, and Dumbledores last words to her were, "In my office, he can help us. Go!"

So she did. She ran, and ran, and ran. She had made it to the last flight of steps, thinking that she was really going to make it.

Then there was a voice, a blast of light. Words that she didn't understand.


Footsteps behind her ran away as she fell. Why was she so cold? And why was there a puddle of warm water?

She looked down. It wasn't water.


Her blood.

There wasn't much energy in her, and it was fading fast. She laughed bitterly,  gently laying herself down in the ever-growing puddle of Crimson liquid. This was it she supposed.

As things went dark, she heard the statue guardian of Dumbledores office rumbled as someone exited.

There was a just of wind as someone seemingly appeared infront of her dying eyes.

"Oh lord," a too cold hand brushed her hair out of her face. Her vision was too blurry to make out the figures face as he spoke again, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. It's going to hurt, but you'll be okay."

And just before the world went dark, the bastard bit her.


There wasn't much Y/n remembered.



Pain. Worse than even the Cruciatis curse had been.

Then, there were voices.

"It's been too long," the voice of the man from before sounded worried, "She should have woken up by now. What if that floo flame messed the process up?"

Another voice spoke. It was soft, feminine and comforting, "Carlisle. I've seen it. She wakes up."

As if on queue, Y/n's eyes fling open. She was surrounded by strangers, in an unknown place, and she could see everything. Everything.

Dust particles floated through warm beams of sunlight, the fibers in the page of an open book nearby. It was suddenly loud, far, far too loud. She could hear the ticking of a clock, the wind in the trees outside, and the quick heartbeat of a humming bird as it buzzed past outside.

But, despite there being several people surrounding her, she noticed one noise disturbingly absent...


She freaked, sitting up and throwing herself out of bed in one fell motion- crashing into the drywall, causing it to crumple around her.

Voices rallied around her, but she couldn't make out a word. She too had no heartbeat, yet she still gasped wildly for air, hyperventilating.

The next two things happened simultaneously: an over whelming calm washed through her crystallized veins, and her eyes focused on a seemingly familiar face.

For the first time since she woke, she spoke. Sitting surrounded by strangers and crumbled wall, the words left her mouth in a smooth voice she hardly even recognized as her own, "Ce-Cedric?"

The boy she stared at shook his head, leaning down carefully beside her, "No, I'm sorry. My name is Edward," the boy gestured over his shoulder to the others standing behind him, "And this is my family."

Y/n's eyes darted frantically from person to person, taking them in. They were all perfect, in the most literally sense. Amber eyes and flawless porcelain skin, they were inhuman. Her eyes landed on the pale blond boy in the corner, who stared intently. She wasn't sure why, but she just knew something was up with him.

She narrowed her eyes, "You," she slowly stood causing edward to take a slight step away, "You're the one making it so I'm not losing my shit right now."

She panicked again without the fright or franticness to her voice, "Who are you. Where's Harry? Where am I?" She turned to look to the shattered wall, "How the bloody hell did I do that?"

The oldest man of the family stepped forward, seeming no more that 25. His voice told Y/n that he was the man from Hogwarts as he spoke soothingly, "Please, calm down and we will explain everything."


She stared at the family as they all sat in the living room of the large house. As light him them, they sparkled- and to her shock, she did as well. They had explained everything, and they all sat watching her expectantly- Jasper dampening her fear the whole time.

"Am- Am I still a witch?" She studied her hands. They were as porcelain and flawless as the others in the room.

"I'm not sure," Carlisle began. "I imagine it's p-"

The small pixie like girl cut in, "Yes. I've seen it."

Y/n looked around, "My wand. I need my wand."

The large guy, Emmett, stepped forward holding out the familiar wooden stick, "Here, this was in your robes you showed up in."

Y/n took it, smiling greatfully at the boy, "My throat hurts," she subconsciously rubbed at her neck, "Why is it burning like this."

"You're hungry," the girl near Edward stepped forward. Bella, that's Bella, "Come with me, you should hunt."

"If she's going to use her mojo, I am SO coming with," Emmett stepped forward excitedly, causing his blonde companion- Rosalie- to roll her eyes.


Almost a year has pasted now, since Y/n became a Cullen, and life was surprisingly going well. The young vampire had been keeping tabs on the events in Wizarding Europe, thanks to Edward- who one day randomly showed up with a copy of the US Daily Prophet.

When asked how he managed to find it, he shrugged, "I read minds."

Recently, she had been getting antsy. The papers were reporting that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley had gone missing- they were even presumed dead.

She played anxiously with the dials of the radio in her room, trying to find the right frequency. There was a station called Potter Watch. She whooped in triumph as she found it, listening to the static ridden voice as it told of rising tension. This was it, Voldemorts last battle- the battle for hogwarts was starting.  And she wasn't about to sit in Forks and let her friends die. Her mind was set, she had to go.

Somewhere downstairs, a bowl shattered. A second later, Alice and Edward were standing over her.

"If you go alone, you'll die," Alice stated, and a spark of rage engulfed y/n.

"You can't stop me. Neither of you can, I'm still stronger than you," Y/n threatens. She doesn't want to hurt them, but she will if it meant fighting along side her friends.

"You misunderstand," Edward smirked, "You're not going alone, we are going with you."

A/n: part one. Sorry not sorry.

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