Soulmate AU (Reader x Sebastian)

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Description: On witches and wizards 17th birthday, a symbol appears on their arm that matches their soulmates. Reader and Sebastian share a birthday, so they decide to wait for their new mark together.
(Anne still hasn't made contact with Sebastian, which is why she isn't here.)

The undercroft was cozy, lit and warmed by the fireplace and various floating candles.  Sebastian and Y/n had decided on wearing long sleeves, so they could each discover their marks one by one- giving each of them their own special slice of time.

The pair both lay on their stomachs infront of the fire, staring at the game of wizard chest between them.

"Are you nervous? You seem nervous." Y/n asks Sebastian, noting how he had once again drifted off into his own thoughts.

The boy shook his head, "No, it's just that I always pictured Anne and I together for this." His hazel eyes flick up to meet hers, the fire glazing them in an orange hue, "But I'm glad I'm with you for this. I suppose your company doesn't suck that much."

Y/n chuckled and tossed a pawn at Sebastian, which he dodged. "How about you?" Sebastian asked, "Are you nervous?"

"I wish I could say no." She shook her head, smiling sadly, "But I'm terrified."

Sebastian reached across the board and held her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

Then, his hand snapped back, with a sharp hiss. The stinging sensation in both of their arms letting them know that the clock had struck midnight.

The pair made eye contact, nervously speaking over one another, "You first." "You should go first."

They stared at each other  for a moment before Y/n rose an eyebrow, "We both know damn well I'm not going first, Sebby."

The boy rolled his eyes and huffed, "Fine."

The girl crawled over to his side, and ran her fingers over the sleeve, "May I?"

Sebastian just gulped and nodded, to nervous to speak. She pulled back his black sleeve to reveal the most extensive soulmate mark the pair had ever seen. It was lightning, that started below his thumb and wrapped the whole way around his arm, extending up to his elbow. 

"Damn Seb, leave it to you and your soulmate to be dramatic." Y/n lightly grazed her fingers over the branches of the lightning.

"Oh yeah?" He laughed, "Let's see yours. Knowing you, it's probably a dragon wrapped the whole way up your arm." He gasps playfully, "A dragon! What if that means Ranrok was your one true soulmate?" He puts a hand to his chest, feigning sorrow.

Y/n pushes him playfully, causing her own sleeve to ride up slightly. Sebastians laughter stops suddenly as he grabs her wrist and pulls up her sleeve, exposing the rest of the mark-

The mark identical to his.

"Thank Merlin," he whispers as his eyes flick up to meet hers, "Now I have an excuse to do something I've always wanted to."

And his lips crashed to hers.

Walking into the Great Hall the next day, Y/n found all of her friends- and other nosy spectators- surrounding the Slytherin table.

Sebastians eyes flickered up to meet hers, brightening with his smile, "You're late. I had to fight Miss Sweeting off from pulling up my sleeve herself.

Poppy huffed and whined, "I wanna know!" She leaned in to where Y/n had taken a seat between Ominis and Sebastian, "Plus I'm tired of the groupies behind us swooning that the might match Sebastian."

"I don't know where they get off thinking they would ever be with Sebastian," Ominis snorted, "His soulmate is probably some rock troll."

"Ouch, mate." Sebastian and Y/n spoke at the same time. Of course he didn't know it, but Ominis had wounded Y/n in the banter crossfire.

Ominis laughed, "Why did you say ouch, Y/n. That was a dig at Sebastian."

Poppy and Garreth seemed to realize what was happening at the same time, because they literally squealed and grabbed their friends sleeves, pulling them up to reveal the identical marks.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Garreth started dancing in his seat before turning to Imelda, "Pay up, witch!"

The grumpy Irish girl rolled her eyes before placing a small sack of galleons in the ginger boys palm, "Arse. I really thought she'd be Ominis's soulmate."

Ominis stuck his wand over the pairs wrists, sensing rhe marks as he muttered, "Please Merlin, no."

Y/ns eyebrows furrowed. "Omi?"

Ominis's eyes rose to where he figured Y/ns face would be, "Before you ask I am not okay." Y/n felt her stomach drop, "This means there may be mini crossbreed of you and sallow running around one day- that will be the death of all wizard kind."

The heaviness in her chest dissipated as she realized that Ominis wasn't truly upset, and he hugged her. He reached around her to pull Sebastian into the hug as well, "Really though, I'm so happy for you two."

A/n: A short one for you all♡

Side note, I'm begging yall to send in some requests. The idea well that is my brain is drier than the Sahara.

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