Potion Roulette (Ominis × Reader)

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"This is the worst idea you've had in a very long time, Garreth." I looked at my redheaded friend as if he had lost it- which he had.

"If you don't like it, you can leave." Garreth shrugged, setting out the potions. Each bottle was blacked out, hiding the contents. The only distinction on them being small golden numbers.

"I never said that." I groan, giving into the situation. I plop into a couch and look around. The Gryffindors common room was extremely cozy. While Slytherins was beautiful and elegant, it didn't quite live to how warm this place was. They were two different worlds.

"It's 9, I'm gonna go check the portrait hole. The fat lady is probably putting up quite the argument." Garreth dusted off his hands on his pants, and jogged off to the enterance tunnel.

The distance voices were a bit hard to make out, but I heard the Fat Lady's voice hollering, someone telling her to can it -probably Sebastian- then relative quiet.

My friends popped out of the tunnel one by one: Garreth, Sebastian, Ominis, Poppy, and Imelda. The group of us basically had the castle to ourselves for winter holiday, seeing as we decided to stay with each other, being our last year and all.

Ominis walked over to me, his flashing wand guiding him. I smiled as he takes a seat beside me, "Wow Omi. I'm surprised you're participating in this, I won't lie."

He chuckled, relaxing back into the soft couch, "I protested most ardently, but Sebastian threatened to knock me out and drag me here." He leaned sideways towards me and whispered, "We both know he would, and I'd rather not spend all break with a raging headache."

I chuckle, "Like he won't cause one of those anyway." This caused Ominis to laugh as well.

"What are we whispering about?" Imelda popped up from behind the couch, startling the two of us a bit.

"Oh, nothing. Just about how pretty you look tonight." I playfully bat my eyelashes up at her, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Please," she pretended to flip her hair, but seeing as it was up there was nothing to flip, "I'm beautiful every night."

Someone plopped down on my other side, and a turned to see Sebastian. Imelda flicked his ear, "Hey I was going to sit there!"

Sebastian rubbed his ear, "Too slow, mate. If only there were 100 other places to sit in this room."

Imelda stuck her tongue out at Sebastian and walked over to the couch Poppy was already sat on.

Garreth clapped his hands together to gather our attention, "Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to my first ever Potion Roulette night! How this works, is you will pull a number from this hat." He pulls a hat out of thin air, flourishing it around, "You will then drink from the bottle with the corresponding numbers. Disclaimer: none of these potions will cause serious or permanent bodily harm." He mumbles the next part, "I hope."

He walked over behind Imelda, leaning over her from behind to hold the hat infront of her, "My dear Reyes, you shall be our first contestant."

Imelda reached her hand into the hat, swirling it around and pulling out a slip of parchment, "8."

As she spoke. The small bottle labeled 8 floated over. She plucked it from the air and stared at it apprehensivly.

Garreth patted her on the back encouragingly, "Go on."

Imelda shot a glare at him, "If anything bad happens, I'll kill you." She took the potion like a shot, and looked around at everyone, "Gnihtyna leef t'nod I?"

I slap a hand over my mouth to suppress my giggles, and everyone else starts laughing hysterically. Imelda shrugged, "Esrow eb dluoc ti esoppus I."

Garreth looked around the room, eyes landing on Sebastian, "Ah, yes. Sallow, it is your turn." Sebastian stuck his hand into the hat, immediately pulling out a slip of paper.

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