Reverse in Time (Golden Trio × Reader × Hogwarts Legacy)

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It was a normal day for the Slytherin Trio- well, atleast as normal as it got. Classes dragged on for what felt like forever. Y/n was yet to hear from Professor Fig (Black once again had him running his errands at the Ministry.) And Sebastian had once again gotten himself a detention- he had gotten caught trying to steal a uniquely colored Puffskein from the Beasts Classroom to give to Y/n.

The trio had originally met up in the Undercroft, but decided that the day called for cozier accommodations. Together they used the Floo network to go to the Room of Requirement.

They landed side by side in the empty entery way, virtually silent. (A habit they picked up while fighting all of Rookwoods and Ranroks goons. It's no good to fight when they hear you coming.)

Y/n was the first to hear it though... voices. Someone was in here. She stopped the boys with a small hiss, indicating to be quiet.

"I don't understand," a female voice spoke, "This isn't what we needed. What is all of this?"

"I don't know, but there's  some pretty cool stuff in here. Look at these antique brooms!" A boy exclaimed.

Sebastian and Y/n shot each other a look. 'Oh hell no. They are not touching my brooms.'

"The room downstairs is filled with potions stations and shelves. Look! Felix Felicis! There's like, hundreds of them down there!" A third voice said.

"Nope. Absolutely not." Y/n didn't bother lowering her voice as she stepped out of the enterance way.

"Accio!" She yelled, pulling the Black haired boy to her and spinning him around, holding him infront of her like a shield with her wand firmly pressed against his temple.

The other two spun around, ready to pull their wands out. They think better of it when they see the position Harry is in.

Sebastian walks over to Y/n and Harry, nonchalantly plucking the vial of Felix out of the boys hand, "I'll take that mate. We mustn't touch things that aren't ours, no?"

"We mean no harm-" the frizzy haired girl begins to speak.

"For some reason, I don't believe you." Y/n scoffs. "What are you doing in my room?"

"This is your room?" The redhead seems surprised, "Those brooms are yours?"

"Ron, this is hardly the time," the boy in Y/n's arms chides nervously.

"We didn't mean to enter here," the girl speaks nervously. "We were just on our was to Trewlany's awful class when the door appeared."

"Who the hell is Trelawny?" Ominis questioned, and Y/n looks over to see that he is pointing his wand at the frizzy haired girl.

"The divination Professor?" Ron speaks slowly, as if speaking to lunatics.

"The divination teacher is Onai," Y/n spoke tightening her hold on Harry, "Who are you? Who sent you? Was it Rookwood?"

"Why would Augustus Rookwood send us here?" The boy in Y/n's grasp says quietly, afraid to piss the girl off any further.

"You've gone round the bend, mate." Sebastian flicked the tip of Harry's nose playfully as he passed, "It's Victor Rookwood we're talking about."

The frizzy haired girls eyes show a clear realization, "Wait I think I know what's happening here."

"Please, enlighten me." Y/n snorts sarcastically.

"You can't think I'm lying," the girl thinks for a second, "If you have stores of Felix, I assume you also have Veritas?"

Y/n nods and glances at Sebastian, who quickly runs down the steps and fetches 3 vials. He hands them to each one of the unwelcomed visitors, taking their wands in exchange.

Once the potions were downed, Y/n let go of Harry and sighed, "Please, sit. Do you lot want any tea or Butterbeer?"

"Tea would be lovely," the girl smiles politely.

"If Hermione has tea can I still get a butterbeer?" The red head, Ron, asked.

"Don't be rude Ronald, we are their guest." Hermione hissed.

"It's actually alright," Y/n smiled lightly, "I'm not actually that much of a hard ass once I realize you're not a threat. I'll be right back."

The girl floo flamed to the kitchens, leaving the 5 sitting their awkwardly.

"So..." Harry awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Y/n arrived back in a flash, startling Harry, "Godrics heart that was fast."

Y/n smiled proudly, "The house elves almost always have tea ready for me," they watched as the girl placed the tea tray on the coffee table, and she handed the cold bottle of butter beer to Ron, "Here you go- Ron, was it?"

Ron smiled and nodded, and Y/n sat on the arm on the arm of Ominis's chair. Sebastian sat in the chair on her other side, staring down the Golden trio as they awkwardly sat on the couch across from them.

"Who are you, where are you from,  and what do you want?" Sebastian blurted out, then regained his composure a bit to add, "One at a time please."

The boy that Y/n had held at wand point spoke first, "I'm Harry Potter, I'm from- ah, Little Whinging, I guess. And I want Voldemort to die."

Ominis raised a single eyebrow, but said nothing. He nonchalantly snaked an arm around Y/n's waist and pulled her onto the chair with him protectively.

Ron went next, "I'm Ron. Ronald Weasley-"

Sebastian snorted, "Another fucking Weasley. Nope. One is enough. Can I kill him?"

The Slytherin trio knew that Sebastian was joking, but the others clearly did not. Y/n spoke up in attempt to sooth the new found tension, "Sebastian, shut it. Ron, I'm sorry. He's just joking. Please, continue."

Ron eyed Sebastian nervously, "Uh, yeah. I'm from just outside of Ottery St. Catchpole... and I suppose I want food. We missed dinner because of this, surely."

Y/N nodded, and called over her shoulder, "Deek?"

With a snap, a small house elf appeared, looking expectantly at the girl, "Yes?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but would you mind bringing up some food for our unexpected guests?"

Deek looked at the golden trio, then flicked his wide eyes back to Y/n, "Of course!"

The house elf dissapeared again, and Y/n turned back to the group, "He never gives me enough time to thank him. Anyways, your turn." She looks expectantly to the girl.

"My name is Hermione Granger, and I need you to hear me out. We are from the future."

And so it was explained. Hermione, Ron, and Harry were from the future, and Hermione had a theory: the Slytherins required help, so the room provided it- in the form of the Golden Trio.

Sebastian was lounged sideways on the armchair by the time Hermione finished her theory, "Normally, I'd think you were full of it. Or insane."

Y/n was on the floor infront of Ominis now, shaking her head, "They speak the truth, Seb. Remember we gave them Veritas?"

There was a silence as everyone studied each other. Harry broke the silence, reluctantly offering an idea of what to do next, "Perhaps we should go speak to the Headmaster? Maybe he'll know what to do?"

"NO!" Four of the six exclaimed, looking at Harry as if the poor boy had suggested playing jump rope with a snake.

Harry's eyes widened, "Alright, alright!" He glanced at Hermione, "Er- why not, though."

Y/n shrugged, "Because Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black isn't exactly known for being accommodating. Though I do have an idea of who to go to... when he returns, of course."

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