Past of Purebloods (Ominis x Malfoy!reader)

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Request: Can I request a hurt/comfort with Ominis Gaunt?[...]

Description: Raised in a pureblood family Y/n Malfoy has seen and been forced to participate in some truly evil things. She usually hides the effects of it fairly well, but after the events in the Scriptorium where she was forced to cast cruicio on Sebastian things begin to resurface.

Warnings: slight s*icidal ideation. Mentions of Abuse.

Y/n's POV

If the gods struck me down right now, I wouldn't find it in myself to care. Infact, part of me would rejoice. Death- an ugly, painful death- was no less than I deserved.

"Strike the muggle down, Y/n." Father's demanding voice found its ways to my young ears, "You are a Malfoy. You are a God compared to the filth infront of you."

My wand held infront of me trembled. The muggle woman was covered in filth, except for the clean carved paths where tears had found their way down her pale cheeks. Her eyes met mine, holding such pain. Such raw, unadulterated fear.

My voice surprised even me. The fact that my vocal chords seemed to work at all at the moment was unexpected, but sure enough a croak left my mouth, "No."

Father laughed a laugh so full of vitriol that my skin crawled at the mere sound, "No? NO? Crucio!"

My wand didn't even fall to the ground, as the second my nerves were alit, my fists clenched. Like a child grasping a metal pole struck by lightning. Yet, somehow I was sure that being struck by lightning would hurt less than this. Every nerve was on fire, my blood boiling. The horrid agony was tunneling into my bones; through them, straight into my sould shredding it into irreparable slivers.

I wanted death. I prayed for it to end, anything. Anything but this unrelenting torture.

When the onslaught of pain stopped, I still lay on the cold stone floor, body convulsing with the ghost of agony still writhing within. My father's heinous words still managed to find my conscious, "Kill. The. Muggle."

My knees wavered as I found purchase on my feet. One arm clutched around my stomach, as if that would end the pain, and the other held my wand out. Through my tears, I looked the poor woman in the face, managing to mouth the words 'I'm sorry.'

Through the pleas that the muggle woman sobbed out- pleas to a God that wasn't listening- I heard my fathers voice again, "Do it, girl."

I took a deep, shaky breath and spoke.

"Avada Kedavra!"

I had never been the same after that day, after my soul being shredded to tatters and given over to evil.

That wasn't the last muggle I had killed, and it was far from the last time I had been tortured at the hands of my own family. Even now, sitting in the darkest corner of the library, my mouth still filled with the taste of blood and sulfur.

Throughout my time in Hogwarts, I had kept my past a relative secret. Sure, they all knew that I came from a pureblood family, that was hardly a secret. But if my friends knew what I had done? That I was a killer? They'd hate me. Worse, they'd turn me in.

Azkaban was a better fate than I deserved. Yet I could never bring myself to complete the punishment truly befitting of my crimes. So here I am, sitting alone in the corner of the library sobbing in the shadows while my friends were all likely merrily eating dinner.

"Y/n? Is that you?" A voice comes from within the stacks ahead of me.



I quickly wipe my tears, taking a deep breath, and attempt to mask the hoarseness in my voice from crying, "Hello Ominis, yes it's me."

His figure emerged from the shelves, "Y/n darling, what praytell, are you doing back here?"

I dust my skirts, not bothering to rise from the floor I'm firmly planted on, "Oh, you know. Just studying."

Saying nothing, Ominis just raises an eyebrow and moves to sit next to me. A moment of silence passes before he speaks, "I heard you crying. Please know you can talk to me."

I sniffle, mind running it over. I know that Ominis's family had done similar things to him. I could tell him, right? He'd understand? Even if he didn't, he'd tell someone and I'd be sent to Askaban- I could just let myself go there. It could end.

I took a deep breath, inhaling all of the courage in the world, "I am a killer, Ominis."

I waited for him to stand, flee, yell... anything. I waited for anything to happen, for me to be taken away, for him to scream for help. But he just-

...he just put his arm around me?

"Your family made you do awful things aswell, didn't they?" He pulled me into his side, "I heard it in your voice the night of the Scriptorium."

All I could do was nod as the lump in my throat burst like a dam and I sobbed. I sobbed for every life I've taken, for every person I had tortured... for myself.

The whole time that I spent falling to pieces in his arms he just held me close, kissing the top of my head and murmuring into my hair, "We are not evil. You are not evil. You are good, you are loved. I've got you."

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