What the Hell Happened? (Sebastian x Reader)

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Description: Sebastian assumed Y/n's days of sneaking out of the castle at night to battle villains were over. One night, on his way to the library, he finds Y/n in a near death state and realizes just how wrong he was.


'Come on Y/n,' you think to yourself as you limp through the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower, 'Just have to get to the Room. Stay alive that long and Deek can help you.'

You didn't care to silence your footsteps as you all but dragged yourself along your route. Part of you was hoping someone would catch you out past curfew so you could finally give in to the darkness that was threatening to take over.

Of all times for the Floo system to be down, this was apparently when the Gods thought it would be funny. Someone, not naming any red-haired names, thought it was hilarious to tamper with the entire Hogwarts Floo System. You didn't know why, you didn't know how... but you were pretty impressed at the skill it took.

Well, you were as of this morning. Now, you were pretty sure it would be the reason that your fellow students would find you dead in the corridor come morning.

You were grateful for the layers of clothing you wore, as they were the only things stopping you from leaving a blood trail. Granted, the dagger that was still firmly implanted in your abdomen probably saved you from bleeding out as well.

A dagger, who would have thought? What kind of Dark Wizard uses a dagger? Well, it didn't matter now. There was just the fact of the dagger buried in your stomach to the hilt and the trek to the Room of Requirement. You were going to make it. You had to make it.

But with every step thought took, the pain surpassed anything you thought possible, and with every breath, the darkness encroached further into your field of vision.

You were getting tired... so tired. Maybe if you just rested for a moment....


Sebastian's POV

It's been a bit since I've spoken to Y/n. After everything that's happened - my uncle, Rookwook, Ranrok- I've steered clear. I knew it's what she wanted, and what was best for her. She had finally become safe, and being around me would ruin that.

So once again, I found myself leaving the undercroft alone on my nightly expedition to the library. The emptiness that I felt, not having her by my side like before, hurt. Honestly some nights I thought the pain of it all would kill me. Often I found myself laying awake, wondering how different life would be if I just listened to her and Ominis. Would I have gotten the chance to tell her how I felt?

'Stop it,' I hiss to myself, 'It's over. There's nothing you can do.'

At least she was safe in bed...

I slow my steps as I hear something- no, someone. That's definitely footsteps.

Their footsteps were odd, a mix between a limp and a stumble. They were hurt. I was about to decide that it wasn't my problem until I heard a whimper of pain that was all to familiar.


Dropping all pretense of secrecy, I ran to find her. All I had to do was round the corner, and there she was. The dim candle light gave her a halo like ring around her messy hair as she stumbled forward. The closer she got, the more I realized something was wrong.

Then I saw it. A knife sticking from her abdomen, "Fucking Merlin Y/n." I gasp, running forward grabbing her.

She stumbled into me, and suddenly I was the only thing holding her up. She looked up at me, the sparkling dimming in her eyes. She managed a smile, but as she spoke blood trickled from her mouth, "Sebby," she paused, "I think I'm going to die."

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