Fallen For You (Garreth x Reader)

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Description: Garreth finds out that he will be tutored by the reader, who he was been secretly in love with for years.

"Miss Y/L/N, may I speak with you for a moment? In my office," Professor Sharps voice startles you. You didn't hear him approach, you were so engrossed in crushing lacewing flies. You jump slightly, and your heart starts pounding.

'I didn't do anything to get myself in trouble, did I?' You thought, 'No... nothing that he'd know about, atleast.'

"Miss L/N," Sharp spoke again, causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

"Oh, sorry Professor. Yes, sure." You stand, politely following him through the class to his office.

Students around you whispered and quietly 'oooo'ed as you walked past. You flicked off Sebastian as you passed, seeing as he winked suggestively at you.

Professor Sharp stopped at his door and turned just in time to see you flip Sebastian off, but he doesn't yell at you. Quite the contrary, he tried to hide the small smirk that tugged at the corners of his mouth. You walked passed him as he held the door for you, taking the seat he gestured to as he closed the door.

"You can relax, Y/n. You are not in any trouble." A small smile played across his face. Since the events in the repository, you found yourself on first name basis with most professors- behind closed doors of course.

He limped over to his desk, opting to lean against it rather than take a seat, "You're one of the most advanced potion students I have ever had."

You blush, "Thank you sir."

He continues, "And Garreth Weasley is, well..."

"No need to finish that sentence, Professor Sharp." You laugh, causing him to smile as well.

"I guess what I'm trying to say," he spoke carefully, as if convinced you were going to say no, "Is that Weasley is actually naturally talented at potion making, and seeing that talent go to waste is rather painful. I, and Professor Weasley of course- this was her idea- would like you to tutor him outside of class. He has potential, and we truly believe you could bring it out in him."

He looks to you expectantly, and you grimace slightly. You liked Garreth, he was nice enough. But Merlin knows that boy was trouble.

"I have no idea what gave you the idea that I could control that boy," you raise your eyebrows in disbelief, "But I suppose I can attempt it."

Sharp's shoulders actually seemed to slump a bit in relief, "Wonderful. As I understand it, you have quite the set up in the room of requirement. You two can practice there." He stood limping towards the door, "Also, unlike Professor Weasley, I don't expect this from you for free. I've heard there's a rather expensive broom being held at Spintwitches with your name on it. Newest model." He turned and winked conspiritoriously at you before opening the office door and heading into the classroom.

As you stood, you heard Sharps voice in the classroom, "Weasley. Stay after class."
Garreths POV

I stood there, staring at Sharp. My eyes flicked over to Y/n where she was perched on the edge of the potions table beside the professor, "Surely, Professor Sharp, Y/n has much more important things to do than to babysit the likes of me."

I hoped my panic wasn't noticeable in my voice. Please, just give me extra lessons, detention- Hell, put me with Imelda. Anything but being tutored by her.

"It's no problem, Garreth. I've already agreed to it." Y/n's voice was sweet, like sugar quills. She smiled at me and my heart stuttered. If I have to be alone with her? I think it'd kill me.

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