Jealousy (Ominis x Reader)

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Description: The reader is used to constantly being treated as 'one of the boys'. No one ever flirts with her, calls her pretty, etc. She's never been asked out- but one day Garreth does. Ominis, who's been madly in love with her for two years, doesn't take kindly to the news.

Y/n's POV

I basically skip into the Great Hall for dinner, feeling light. For the first time ever, someone asked me out on a date. Like a real date!

I plop down beside Ominis at the Slytherin table, across from Sebastian, "Good evening lads."

Sebastian raises an eyebrow and eyes me as if I've gone mad, "What exactly are you so chipper about? Who's dead?"

I roll my eyes and begin piling food on my plate, "Nobody's dead you git. I'm just excited, I've been asked out on a date. A real date!"

Ominis tenses beside me, but says nothing. Sebastian however is intrigued, "Wait, someone asked you out and you said yes? I'm used to you telling everyone no."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Seb, to tell people no requires somebody actually asking me out. I'm sure 99% of the guys around here just see me as one of them. I thought it was 100% but Garreth proved otherwise."

"Nobody's asked you out?" He turns his gaze on Ominis, "But I thought you said-"

Ominis stands abruptly, "I have to go." He mutters, and quickly strides out of the Great Hall.

I look at Sebastian in confusion, but he's in his head clearly trying to think something over. Realization dawns in his eyes as he quickly stands, "Oh that lying son of a-" he begins to jog to the exit, turning quickly towards me, "I'm sorry y/n/n. There's something I need to take care of. I'll see you in the common room."

Before I can even question the situation, he's gone. Someone sits across the table from me, and I turn to see Imelda. "What was that about?" She asks, looking at the door.
I can only sigh, "I wish I knew."


After dinner, I took some time to stalk the halls- partially to clear my head and partially to find Ominis. I hated seeing him upset- I've had feelings for him since Fifth Year, which I've since attempted to push down since he clearly didn't return them.

The halls only held random classmates, no sign of Ominis or Sebastian.

Lost in my own head, I barely hear someone speaking to me. I turn and see Evangaline. She smiles, "I was just thanking you for putting up the Bells in the tower again. You'd really think Black would give up after 2 years."

I chuckle, but my smile doesn't meet my eyes. Evangeline, being the Hufflepuff she is, noticed immediately, "Whats wrong?"

"Have you happened to have seen Ominis?"

She smiles kindly, "Lovers quarrel, ay? I was him mope his way into that corridor with the clock cabinet in it."

"We're not- wait. You've seen us go there?" I widen my eyes.

She chuckles, "I notice alot. Don't worry though, whatever secret that holds is safe with me. Hell, I usually make sure nobodys looking when yall go in there." She shrugs.

I'm taken back a bit, "Oh well, I uh- thank you? I've gotta go now though."

She smiles and calls out after me, "Go get your man!"

I turn back to her, and can't help but genuinely chuckle as I call back, "He's not my man, Angel. You know that!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Slytherin!" I watch her look around to make sure no one was watching where I was going, and headed towards the undercroft.

Ominis's POV

I sat on the cold floor of the Undercroft, listening to Sebatians footsteps as he paced infront of me.

"You told me you asked her out and she said no!" Sebastian is clearly frustrated. "Why the hell did you lie to me?"

"To get you to drop it!" I groan, throwing my hands up, "We both know damn well that she deserves better than me, and I figured that telling you she had no interest in me would get you to finally drop the subject!"

"Well, you were right!" Sebastian huffed, "I dropped it and now she's about to date a Gryffindor. Garreth at that! Ominis, you have to stop her! Tell her how you feel."

"The only way I'd tell her is if she walked through that door right now." I shake my head, feeling sick, "She's probably too busy snogging Garreth to even care where I am."

As if summoned, the cogs of the door began to whir and the gate opened. I heard Y/n's familiar footsteps enter.

"Well would you look at that. I'm going to go get food from the kitchen since SOMEBODY ruined my dinner." I heard Sebastian work his way towards the gate, "Oh, Y/n. We still on for some flying practice later?"

Y/n's melodic voices made my heart flutter as it always does, "Of course Seb. Quidditch pitch at 11?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Good luck with Mr. Grumpy pants over there. Jealousy really isn't a good look on him." With that, the gate whired closed and Sebastian was gone.

Y/n's POV

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at the spot Sebastian had just occupied, "Jealousy? What are you jealous about Omi?"

Ominis let out a dry laugh, causing me to turn towards him. He was standing now, striding towards me. "Oh, my sweet, naive Y/n." He was close to me now, shaking his head, "It's about a girl."

"Oh?" Is all I could manage. In my excitement in the Great Hall, I didn't even realize Ominis had been upset when I walked in, "Is it about Poppy? Because I told you she didn't swing that way-"

My words were cut off as Ominis crashed his lips into mine, his hands quickly tangling in my hair. My hands found his face- I didn't pull away. Why would I? This is all I ever wanted.

His hands traveled down my back and to thighs where he squeezed, signaling me to jump. I did, wrapping my legs around his waist for support. My back hit the wall behind me as he pinned me against it. After what felt like hours and yet no time at all, he pulled away, leaving the pair of us breathless.

"I think i understand what you were jealous about now," I giggled, resting my forehead against his.

He laughed, "I should hope so."

And again his lips were on mine.

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