Vixen (Remus Lupin x Reader)

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Description: McGonagall tasks Lupin to assist Y/n (who happens to be his crush) in her journey to become an animagus.

"Mate, you're staring again," Peter whispered to Remus. Remus snapped back to reality, realizing he had infact been staring as he absent mindedly chewed on the end of his quill- a habit he had picked up the first time he picked up a non-feather quill.

"No I wasn't," the nerdy boy attempted to cover his tracks while silently thanking Merlin that she was too engrossed in her book to notice.

"Sure, mate," James snorted, not bothering to look up from the parchment that only held the first sentence of a potions essay, "Why don't you go talk to her?"

Remus shook his head, turning back to his Arithmancy textbook, "Really, I wasn't staring. I was just spaced out."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Sure mate."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "If you're spacing out that much, you need to see a healer. Its a constant thing for you mate. There's this muggle thing called an absence seizure-"

Peter dodged the apple core that Remus sent in his direction, laughing. While the rest of the group turned back to their homework, Remus found himself once again looking at the girl.

His heart fluttered as the beautiful girl smiled at something that happened in her novel. She was beautiful, sitting there curled up in the worn Crimson arm chair.

Maybe one day, he thought to himself, I'll have the guts to talk to her.

Weeks later, Remus found himself staying after class at Minnie's request. He wasn't nervous, he knew he wasn't getting in any trouble- that was James and Sirius's thing. However, the second the class was released and he noticed that Y/n also made no attempt to leave the room, his heart began to race.

"Mr. Lupin," McGonagall smiled a tight lip smile as she beckoned him to join her at Y/n's desk. He gulped, making his way over.

"Miss L/n here has shown true talent  in Transfiguration- and upon my recommendation has decided to begin the process of becoming an animagus."

Remus's eyes widened and flickered to the smiling girl and back to the professor, "That's wonderful, Professor. But with utmost respect, what does that have to do with me?"

Y/n's face betrayed the fact that she, too, was wondering that. McGonagall gave him a knowing look, "I am aware who you spend your nights with, Mr. Lupin. And as much as I'd rather have an actual animagus help Y/n with the process, I'd rather not leave the girl to be corrupted by a certain Dog, Stag, or Rat."

Remus's eyes again widened as he looked away, refusing to make eye contact with McGonagall. The older woman just chuckled, "You are also my brightest student, which is the first and foremost reason I chose you. Will you agree?"

Remus looked to the girl who had yet to speak, and seeing the hope in her beautiful eyes he caved. Perhaps that meant that he would get to spend time with her, "Of course, Professor."

McGonagall smiled, "Very well. Here you are, Miss L/n," she handed a leaf to Y/n, "Remember, put it in your mouth at midnight tonight. And do not-"

"Swallow it or spit it out," the girl smirked, "I know, Professor."

McGonagall nodded, "Very well, off you go."

Remus and Y/n were shooed out of the room hastily, pausing to look at each other once out in the courtyard.

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