Should Have Listened (Sebastian x Reader)

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Description: Reader sees the through their feelings for Sebastian to realize that maybe Ominis was right all along.

Warning: Angst. (As someone who understands why Sebastian did what he did, this hurts to write.)

My feet plant firmly on the soil as I land my broom only meters away from Ominis. He was clearly stressed, and seeing as the place he summoned me to was the Catacombs, I knew this was bad. Really, really bad.

"Thank Merlin you're here," Ominis let's out a frustrated sigh, pulling me into his arms. I freeze for a moment, seeing how uncharacteristic physical affection is for Ominis, but lean in to the hug.

"He's inside," Ominis mumbles into my hair, then holds me at arms length. If he could see, he'd likely be staring into my eyes, "It's bad, Y/n. It is really, really bad."

I just gulp and nod, then remembering he can't see I speak,"I understand."

"I am going to try to stop Solomon from coming up here. Please, try to talk some sense into Sebastian."

I squeeze Ominis's hand, and turn to venture into the catacombs, but Ominis stops me again, "Y/n?"

I turn to face him, and it strikes me how truly defeated the boy looks, "Yes?"

"I know you love him," he pauses for a moment, "But that relic effected him in terrible ways. I'm," he swallows back tears, "I'm not sure he's our Sebastian anymore."

With that, Ominis turns to head down into Feldcroft, leaving me to wonder what the hell I'm about to see.

The first few chambers of the catacombs were silent. Too silent. Yet as I delved further into the earth, distant sounds became clearer.

What I thought at first to be water, or spiders in the deep crevices, turned out to be inferni, and alot of them.

When I made it to the final chamber, I come to a nauseating sight. Sebastian, surrounded by dozens of Inferni. I'm ready to defend him, when I realize they aren't attacking him. Instead, they amble aimlessly around him. Like they don't even see him.

"Sebastian," my voice is breathy, disbelief stealing the power behind my words.

He looks up at me, dark expression turning into a manic grin that doesn't remove the darkness from his eyes, "I'm controlling them, Y/n! Isn't it wonderful?"

Again, no power gathered behind my words as they come out as little more than a whisper, "Sebby, what did you do?"

I've only seen Ashwinder Assassins control inferni like this. This was dark magic. I knew that we had been towing the line, flirting with the boundaries between light and darkness. It wasn't a line really, but a gradient, and Sebastian and I had been in the grey... but this. This was too far.

"What have I done? What have I done?" Sebastian scoffs, "I've done what you couldn't. I've harnessed the power to save Anne."

His words shoot like an arrow into my heart, "I've sacrificed everything for this Sebastian. I've killed. I've done unspeakable things. I held Professor Fig in my arms while he died." My voice rises with every word, "This. This is how you thank me? By turning dark before I even get the chance to try to save Anne?"

"I knew you wouldn't be willing to do what it's takes, Y/n." There was something in Sebastians voice. Something that wasn't there when he taught me spells, danced in the Room of Requirement, and most certainly wasn't there the times that he kissed me in the meadows and told me how much he loved me. Something evil now lay within his words, "You're just too weak."

My anger consumes me, causing the cavern to shake, "I loved you, Sebastian. I still do."

Sebastian laughs, "And thats why you're weak, Y/n. I loved you as well, but love just makes us weak." His eyes. His eyes are green, but not in the sense of the forest that resided in his irises... no. This green glowed. The relic, it has ahold of him.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as my body threatens to lose control of the overwhelming power I had not yet gained full control over. Behind me, footsteps run into the room.

Solomon. He pauses, taking in the scene. His eyes fall onto me, holding so much malice that I'm truly taken aback. He speaks, spitting venom in every word, "You. This is your fault."

"What? No-" I try to deny it when he fires a simple spell at me, knocking my into the pit of Inferni. I tense, fully ready to take on death as they pull me apart... but death never comes. Instead, the inferni turn towards Solomon.

"Solomon run, please." I cry out, "I'm on your side, I'm trying to-" again I'm struck with a spell, this time it draws blood.

"We've heard enough from you." The man spits.

Sebastians eyes flick down to me, and for a second, I think he's going to help me. Then, his eyes harden again. The last blast from Solomon caused me to hit my head, and consciousness slowly leaves me as I fight to stay awake.

There's explosions. Screaming. My face is hot... is that fire?

Someone drags me across the floor,and I force open my eyes just long enough to see Anne crouching beside me. She had pulled me to the enterance of the room.

I see Solomon turn towards me, but my vision is doubled. His words sound like they are coming from another room, "This all started when she came around. This is all because of her. She belongs in Azkaban, or maybe she should just be dead. That'll teach you."

Solomon raises his wand, ready to deliver a final blow. One that never comes.

Instead, there is a flash of green, and Sebastians voice saying something I never thought he'd say.


Solomon crumples to a heap infront of me. Anne screams and sends Sebastian flying into the fall wall. The impact releases the hold that the relic, now destroyed, has still had on him and he cries out.

"No, Sebastian. You've gone too far." Anne's voice is filled with disgust. "I never want to see you again."

Before she takes Solomons body and apperates away, she turns to me. She sends me a solomn nod, a goodbye. Then she's gone.

Someone's hands gently lay upon my shoulders. I turn to see Ominis, stern faced. With his aid, I stand. He begins to lead me out of the Catacombs when Sebastian calls out, "Y/n! Wait! Please."

I pause and turn to him. The weeping mess that had once been the love of my life. It tears my soul in two seeing him this way... I love him, but what he had done was unforgivable... and the things he had said...

"I love you, Sebastian. Ominis tried to warn me about you, but I didn't listen." A bitter laugh escapes my lips, "He was right."

With that, Ominis tightens his hold on me as he leads me away.


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