Forbidden or Not (Sebastian x Gaunt!reader)

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Request: Could I request one where the reader is Ominis's little sister (specifically a year younger) and she has the biggest crush on Sebastian but yea ominis is a very protective older brother so she secretly leaves sebastian love notes and somehow he figured out it was her and he feels the same way.


"Absolutely not. I am not having this discussion with you. You're too young for him anyway." Ominis rubbed the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed.

The slender frame of his sister sits on the cushions beside him in the Undercroft, "Omi. I only asked if Sebastian was dating Samantha. Besides, I'm literally 11 months younger than you, you can't sit here and tell me I'm too young." She whines.

"You asked that question because you fancy him, and it is not happening. Ever."

A mischievous smirk appears on the girls face, and even though he can't see it he clearly senses the shift in her demeanor. "I don't know Ominis, I think forbidden love is even kinkier..."

Ominis groans and gagged dramatically, "Y/n you disgust me. Mother and Father should have put you down the second you were born."  Ominis continues to fake throwing up.

The enterance to the undercroft whirls mechanically, revealing Sebastian. His eyes immediately take in the scene before him- Ominis dramatically gagging, and Y/n sitting there as proud as a peacock about something.

A dark eyebrow raises above his hazel eyes as he looks at the girl, "Do I even want to know what you said?"

Y/n laughs as Sebastian sits next to her, "Well, I asked him a question that he was too stubborn to answer. So I basically said-"

"Absolutely not! You are not repeating that filth to Sebastian!" Ominis suddenly chides, causing Y/n to laugh even harder. She leans over, gently sitting her head on Sebastians shoulder as she continues her fit of giggles.

He tenses up for a split second at the contact, but quickly wills his body to relax. It's just Y/n, he thought to himself, You've known her forever.

Suddenly, and all to soon, Y/n stands. "Well, I'm off to work on my potions essay. Since somebody won't be helpful." Her tone was playfully accusatory as she bent down to poke her brother in the chest.

As she turned the exit, Ominis clears his throat, "Y/n, the answer is no. And for you to not even THINK about it."

"It just gets hotter the more you forbid it, Omi." She pauses, turning to look at Sebastian who seemed genuinely gobsmacked at the language that just left her mouth. "Good night, Sebastian. Have fun dealing with the prude."

After leaving the undercroft, Y/n made her way into the Slytherin common room. Try as she might, the first half hour passed with her getting only an inch further on the parchment. The only thing she could focus on was Sebastian. Of course, her feelings were nothing new. Since Ominis first introduced the pair, she was head over heels for the freckled boy. She knew nothing would ever become of her feelings, even though they grew infinitely stronger with each year. Sebastian would never see her as anything other than his best friends sister. And even if by some Merlin born miracle he did, Ominis would never allow it.

Y/n groaned, slamming closed her potions book and subsequently dropping her head onto it.

"Whats wrong, baby Gaunt?" A teasing voice rang from her left. Violently flinging her head up, she meets eyes with Imelda. The two were friends, Imelda surprising everyone when she quickly took to the younger Gaunt sibling.

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