Got Your Back (Sebastian/Ominis x Reader)

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"Miss L/n," Professor Weasley paced through the center of her classroom infront of you, "I understand that you went through something incredibly difficult last school year, but this behavior is not to be excused for a second longer!"

"I didn't even do anything!" You throw your hands up in frustration, "Hobhouse probably tripped. I didn't lay a finger on him! I wasnt even there!"

"Then why did he say you shoved him into the puffskien enclosure?" The Professor was clearly frustrated too. In her defense, it is something you would do- however after being caught in the Restricted Section one too many times, you were on 'probation', and therefore your best behavior.

"Matilda," Professor Sharp spoke from where he leaned on the edge of your desk, "I'm inclined to believe Miss L/n. There were no witnesses around to back up Hobhouse's claim, and she swears that she was in her Room of Requirement with Sallow and Gaunt. We could just ask those two-"

"They would kill to cover Miss L/n's tracks," Weasley stopped her pacing to glare at Aesop, "They would be more than willing to lie on her behalf. They simply cannot be trusted."

You shrug, supposing she has a point. You were cursing yourself for giving Deek the evening off, he could have vouched for you.

"Headmaster Black is out for business until Tuesday, your fate in this establishment will be discussed with him then," Matilda rubbed a hand down her face, annoyed, "Until that point, you will serve detentions every week night. You do anything wrong, and I do mean anything, I will be calling him back sooner. Go and prepare for your first detention, it begins in one hour."

"Yes ma'am," You deflate a bit, making eye contact with professor Sharp, who's lips formed a straight line- his version of a sad smile. Making your way to the door, you begin to panic. You didn't do anything, atleast this time. And Hobhouse's lies are going to get you thrown out of Hogwarts.

And there was nothing for you to do about it.

The owl hurried into the dorm Sebastian shared with Ominis, a violent flurry of feathers. The parchment landed with a thump on the desk where Sebastian was studying, flying out just as quickly.

Ominis sat up in his bed, eyebrows furrowed, "What the hell was that?"

Sebastian stared after the frenzied creature in confusion, then picked up the parchment, "An owl. And one on a bloody mission I'd say."

"Your owl?" Ominis asked as Sebastian read the letter.

"No," Sebastian swore under his breath, "It's from Professor Sharp. He's requesting we go to his classroom straight away. Says it's an emergency."

Questions running through their minds, the boys hurried to the Professors office.


The boys were among the first to get to the Potions classroom, heads swiveling in surprise as none other than Imelda grumpily entered the room, "I mean no disrespect, Professor," her tone suggested otherwise, "But why exactly are we here so close to curfew?"

"Wait for the others to arrive," the Professor absent mindedly waved a hand at the girl as he dug through the shelves looking for something.

Imelda turned towards Sebastian and Ominis, "Wha-"

"We didn't do anything," Sebastian quickly cut her off.

"Then why-?" She began again, only to be just off by Ominis.

"Reyes. If we knew why, we would have told you when you asked Professor Sharp."

Imelda huffed, crossing her arms. The door swung open, revealing Poppy, Natsai, Garreth,  all panting as if they had sprinted.

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