Nice to Meet You (Sebastian x Reader.)

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Honestly, my first mistake was agreeing to duel him on that first day of class. My second mistake was actually taking him up on the offer of joining him in dueling club... now? The boy just won't leave me the hell alone. It's been a month since I first met Sebastian Sallow, and now everywhere I turn he's there.

Don't get me wrong, he's a very nice guy... just sometimes I wish I could get some peace and quiet- something that never happens in this gods-forsaken school.

"Hey! Y/n wait up!" Speak of the devil, I suppose. I stop in my tracks to see Sebastian jogging after me.

I had been on my way out to the old vacant grounds keeper cottage on the edge of school property. It was a good place to hide away from all of the demands and asks of the Wizarding World, and nobody had bothered me there... until today.

Halfway down the boulder studded hill, none other than Sebastian Sallow has caught me.

I cringe inwardly, but smile shyly at the boy as he caught up, "Hello, Sebastian."

He stopped beside me, attempting to catch his breath, "Where on earth are you off to?" Sebastian asked, but then his eyes flicked to the cottage and back to me, "Wait a minute, that's where you've been dissapearing off to?"

I turn to continue walking, completely confident that the nosey boy would follow, "Yes. I find the privacy of the place rather enchanting."

As I suspected, Sebastian trailed along behind me, "Well now I can join you and it won't be so lonely!"

Talk about missing the point, but alright.

"Say, you're alone quite often, aren't you?" He asks after a moment of silence. We were approaching the door of the cottage now.

"Not sure if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly a people person." It was the truth. I had always been rather reclusive, but traveling around the Highlands taking out goblins, ashwinders and poachers all by yourself does tend to make one's 'people skills' a bit 'rusty'.

"Oh, I've noticed," he watches as I pull out the large iron key from my pocket, "Where in Merlins name did you get that?"

"I did a favor for Mr. Moon... he is rather greatful, to say the least." I push open the door to reveal the cottage.

I had cleaned it up nicely, decorating it with fairy lights and cushions. I had also charmed it so Alohamora wouldn't work... and for extra measure, unless I am physically touching someone, they cannot enter.

"Woah! This place is awesome!" Sebastian says, before smacking face first into the invisible wall. He stumbles back holding his nose muttering a string of expletives.

And don't ask me why I did it... maybe I felt bad, maybe the boy was growing on me, but I grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him through the doorway.

"What the bloody hell was that?" He asked, voice nasle as he holds his nose.

"A security charm. I'm sorry, I wasn’t thinking," I guide him to a chair and set him down, "Here, let me look at it."

He pulled away his hand, revealing trickling blood. My heart pangs with guilt, "I'm sorry Seb. Here, drink this."

I reach into my bag and pull out wiggenweld, which he takes greatfully. After poking his nose to assure himself he's healed, he speaks, "Why on earth did you have wiggenweld on hand?"

I cast aquamenti, wetting a cloth before kneeling infront of him to gently clean his face, "Most people I actually find myself around aren't as kind to me as you are, Sebastian,"
I give him what I hope is an apologetic smile, "That's also why I put the security charm on the door. I'm sorry."

He reaches a hand up to gently stop the one with the cloth. The entire time he doesn't take his eyes off of me. Was he... sad? "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure that's not completely true though. You have your friends."

I laugh quietly, standing and turning from Sebastian to busy myself making coffee, "I don't exactly have much time for friends, unfortunately. Sure, there's Poppy and Natty, but I only see them during class."

I can feel Sebastians eyes on me as I work, "Nonsense, you're always talking to people!"

"They aren't my friends, they are just asking me for favors. Favors that often put me in a fair amount of danger." I pull cups from the cabinet, "Cream and Sugar?"

"Uh, no. Black is fine, thank you." I hand him the cup and sit in the armchair across from him. I watch as he takes a sip, then looks up at me.

"You have me." He speaks in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Pardon?" I ask, confused.

"You have me. I'm your friend. And real friends run into danger together... not send the other into it." He says, reaching out a hand and extending a pinky.

I stare at it for a moment. I'm so used to being alone... do I really want to accept his offer of friendship? Honestly, with the way he's looking at me right now suggests that it's not an offer, and I don't have a choice. I suppose having someone around wouldn't hurt.

I reach out, interlocking my pinky with his.


A/n: a short one.

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