Not my Father (Sebastian x Harlow!Reader)

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Description: Harlow!reader has kept her parentage from almost all of her friends, but she knows it's only a matter of time until they find out.

Warnings: Daddy issues, but not that kind. Probably swearing.


"You should really tell the others, you know," Poppy said, stepping over the unconscious poacher she had just knocked out. The puffskien in the cage squealed in excitement as she approached, seemingly understanding it was safe now.

Y/n huffed as she pulled out the galleons out of the poachers pocket, deciding to steal his glasses too. They'd fetch a pretty penny at the shop, "What they don't know won't kill them, Sweeting. You don't go around telling people who your parents are, either."

Poppy spoke quietly and sweetly as she lifted the puffskien in her arms, "Because I never had anyone close enough to tell, before you came along," she stroked the creatures fur,comforting it and inspecting it for injuries, "But Sebastian and Ominis- they deserve to know, Y/n."

Y/n sighed, looking at her friend, "I know that, but-"

Poppy gazed into Y/n's eyes, seeming almost sad, "They won't judge you, Y/n. They know you, they know you aren't like your father. They love you, just as I do. Even if you were Rookwoods child, you'd still be my soul sister."

Y/n smiled, "I love you too Poppy." That was one thing she truly appreciated, was the friendship and family she found in Hogwarts.

Y/n decided then that she would tell them everything, and pray to whoever would listen that they wouldn't hate her.


The next day, Y/n dragged Ominis and Sebastian to one of the high up meadows that overlooked Hogsmeade.

"The sun feels amazing, Y/n," Ominis spoke from his corner of the picnic blanket- eyes, or more so ears, vaguely following the stressed out girl as she paced, "So I'm not complaining. But, why did we have to come the whole way up here?"

Sebastian chuckled, slathering strawberry jam on a piece of  bread, "She's probably going to kill us, isn't it obvious?" He stuck the bread into his mouth, wiggling his fingers and speaking around the food, "No witnesses."

Ominis rolled his eyes, but Y/n snorted, "He's partially right, about the no witnesses," she paused, sitting down on the blanket with a huff, "There's something I need to tell you two. Something nobody can know, and that I pray you don't think any less of me for."

Ominis's brows furrowed in concern, "What is it, Darling?" He asked, using the nickname he had given to her in hopes to comfort her nerves a bit.

"There's nothing you could possibly tell us that would make us hate you," Sebastian spoke gently, suddenly serious.

Y/n opened her mouth to reply, but before words could leave her lips, poachers landed around them. From black mist to corporeal form with thuds.

The three students jump to their feet, immediately on the defensive, when Y/n spots him.

"Oh, bloody f-," she begins.

Her father cuts her off, "Such vulgar language from a young lady. And in front of her father no less."

Y/n tenses as the Sebastians eyes flick to her briefly, "Father?"

Ominis's brows furrow, but he says nothing.

The girl doesn't acknowledge her father more than a vicious stare as she speaks to the boys, "I promise you, I will explain everything. But we need to get out of here and back to the castle. Immediately."

Sebastian rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck, a wicked grin spreading on his face, "Say less, love."

Like that, chaos breaks loose. Sebastian grabs Ominis with and with a thunderous crack apparates the blind boy to saftey, leaving Y/n with the 3 poachers and Harlow.

"Apparently your little boyfriend didn't care that much about you after all, taking his friend and running," Harlow chuckled, stepping towards the girl.

In response, she flings out a hand towards her right, calling in ancient magic. With a pop, the poacher was now a chicken.

Harlow paused, raising his brows as he glanced over at the clucking creature, "I must admit, that is rather impressive," he looked back at his daughter, "But it won't save you. Come home, with me- and I'll forgive you for fleeing."

She says nothing, staring down her father defensively as she raises a hand to the sky. Slamming her hand down, she pulls lightening from the sky- striking another one of her father's henchmen, leaving nothing but ashes behind.

Whether it was fate or some higher power looking out for her, Sebastian apperated behind her father at the same time as the lightning struck, masking the sound of his arrival.

She smiled, "No, Harlow. I'll make you a deal. Walk away, forget me, leave me be."

Harlow laughed heartily, "Oh really? I am your father, girl. And you will obey me." Y/n was careful to keep her eyes on her father, careful not to betray Sebastians movements behind him as the boy quietly took out  the last remaining henchman. Her father kept speaking, oblivious, "Your little boyfriends abandoned you. They clearly don't care about you. Come home."

Sebastian then struck Harlow, "Imperius." Harlows jaw went slack and eyes green as Sebastian rounded to face him, "She's mine now. You cannot have her, you cannot touch her. Do you understand me?"

Harlow nodded absently. Sebastian grinned, "Good. Now go. Go as far south as you can. Until you touch ocean."

Harlow became the tell tale black smoke of dark wizards, dissapearing into the sky, going south.

Y/n's trembling legs finally gave out from underneath her, and Sebastian hurried over to kneel infront of her as she began to cry.

His hands found hers, "Hey," his voice was low and comforting, "Y/n, look at me."

Her e/c eyes met his, silvery tears rimming them as she attempted to gain control over her breath.

He let go of one of her hands, taking his own to gently run over her cheek, "I'm here, Harlow is gone. Ominis is okay. I'm okay. You're okay."

"You hate me," she blurted out, losing control of herself again- her body racked with sobs.

Sebastian smiled at her sadly, "No. No I could never."

"But, but I'm a Harlow," she sobbed.

Sebastians hands grasped either side of her face, making her look at him, "I don't care. Nothing could make me hate you. Nothing. I love you."

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