In The Dark pt 2 (Sebastian x Reader)

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"It's unsanctioned and straight up unheard of," Professor Weasley complained to Sharp as Ominis and Rosalie watch on.

"It's the only way we can keep them safe, Matilda," Professor Sharp's panic was betrayed through his words- calling a fellow Professor by their first name infront of students was beyond the normal state of things. Sharp slammed his fist on the potions room table, causing all in attendance to jump at the sudden sound, "He's in the damned castle!"

Professor Onai stepped forward, clutching her night robe around her, "Matilda," This time Professor Weasley's name was used to calm and comfort. To personalize, "Aesop is right. While I don't want to think that Sallow would hurt them, this is a good way to keep them safe from whatever the boy is planning."

Professor Hecate stepped forward, and Y/n couldn't help but find the little old lady adorable in her quilted nightie- despite the fact that said little old lady could kick her ass 10 ways to Sunday, "Theres an empty faculty dormitory, if the idea of them staying in Sharp's is a bother to anyone."

"Sebastian has been in Professor Sharp's room before," Y/n rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly as the tired professors all swiveled to face her, "Hey, I'm not the one who put field guide pages in personal quarters."

Professor Garlik actually giggled and shrugged. Ronan clapped his hands together, "That's that then. The kids go into the spare room. We ward it, heavily. And we should certainly gather the other friends of these two. Matilda, get your nephew and Professor Onai's daughter. Sharp, fetch Imelda to be safe."

"What of Prewett?" Professor Weasley questions.

"He's not of concern," Y/n and Ominis speak in unison, smirking at each other despite the circumstances.

Hecate raises her eyebrows and attempts to hide a smirk, "Very well. Mirabel dearest. Fetch Poppy Sweeting, will you. I will ward the room."

The professors all nod, appeased by the plan in place. Despite the Professors seeming confident in the plan, Y/n couldn't help but feel uneasy. She knew Sebastian- almost as well as she knew herself. She knew what the wizard was capable of.

And she knew that eventually, Sebastian would get to her and Ominis. What she didn't know, was what exactly he had planned to do with them once he got them.
Three days. Three days were Y/n's friends trapped in that dormitory. Three days of Poppy and Natty's consistent worrying. Three days of the same walls. Three days of Imelda's posturing and bitching. Three days of Garreth's attempts to entertain himself.

"I have to use the wash room," Y/n said, suddenly standing. The room went silent, watching her.

"Should we come with you?" Poppy said, standing up worriedly.

Y/n laughed an exasperated laugh, "Sweeting. It's a connected single bathroom. I highly doubt Sallow will crawl through the toilets. Even if he could, I guarantee you my quidditch title that Hecate has even the pipes warded."

Poppy nodded, sitting reluctantly. The murmurs around the room started up again, along with the incessant thud of Garreths bouncy ball against the wall.

The door to the washroom thudded, and no sooner that the sound reached her ears did Y/n charm the room to be sound proof. She couldn't handle it any more.

She couldn't handle the confined space, Garreths constant banging on the wall, the girls whining- she couldn't stand the idea that the boy they were hiding from was her everything once.

Ominis had talked her into turning him in. Saying it was the best for him, it would rehabilitate him. She had believed Ominis. Y/n was knew to the Wizarding World and Ominis was a close friend- why wouldn't she believe that this place would help Sebastian.

She knelt over the sink and sobbed. Sebastian would never hurt her. The boy that used to hold and comfort her? The thought that he'd hurt her? Kill her?


Especially if she explained. Explained that she didn't know. She belonged in that retched place as much as Sebastian did.

She knew that nobody could hear her as she weeped. That's why the voice suddenly in the room with her startled her.

"Why are you crying, Little Mouse?" Sebastians voice came from... somewhere.

Her head whipped up, seeing in the mirror that he stood behind her. She whirled around, but he wasn't there.

He ran his hand down her reflections cheek softly, and Y/n swore that she felt the ghost of his touch.

This is just in my head.

"Seb. I didn't know," she sobbed, hoping that confessing, even if to a figment of her imagination, would help the gnawing guilt, "He said that Azkaban would help you."

Mirror Sebastian shook his head sadly, "I know, my darling. I know," his voice was low and dark, "We can be together again, you know?"

Y/ns breath hitched, "How?"

He stepped infront of her reflection placing a hand against the mirror. Y/n shrunk back as the surface rippled.

This was real.

"Just touch the mirror, Little Mouse, and then I can pull you through." Sebastians eyes, darkened, "Then you and I can be together. We can get revenge on those who sought to tear us away from each other."

Y/n thought for a moment. She could turn and run. Call for help.

Or she could trust Sebastian. Sure, he had done awful things. So had she... but they were for just reasons... right?

She slowly lifted her hand, almost reluctantly, placing it on the cold glass of the mirror where his was.

Then his fingers interlaced with hers, and she gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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