Not The Best Idea (Part Two)

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-Third Person POV-

The violence of the scene below was reflected in the sky above, the blackest clouds began to swirl into existence, white-blue lightening interspersed intermentantly within the writhing mass. Maybe this is what made the first poacher glance up into the skyline, or maybe it was Sebastians sudden and maniacal laugh, but either way the poacher looked up, eyes widening with horror as they were met with MC's glowing orbs.

Sebastian, still laughing, spit out blood with his words, "Now you really did it! Oh you are SO screwed now!"

MC stood above them, legs shoulder width apart, and wand raised to the heavens, a red glowing substance that formed around its tip beginning to mix into the blue that occupied the air around them. Every poacher, even the one who was torturing Poppy had stopped to face the spectacle. Lightening struck MC's wand, which they slammed down in the direction of the majority of the poachers. It was brief, and if one would have blinked you'd have missed it, but the veins of the poachers glowed red before they exploded into dust. Just like that, they were not only dead, but no trace was left.

The clouds cleared, again exposing the full moon and stars that poc marked the sky as MC jumped down from the cliffside, in a very similar fashion that Sebastian had at the beginning of this battle. 

With a flick of MC's wand, and a quick Finite Incantatem, The bindings around Sebastian and Natty dropped. Natty dropped to the ground where Poppy laid panting, but overall unharmed.

Sebastian ran over to MC's side where they had crouched over Garreth. Garreth was alive, and MC was thanking every power they could think of. 

A little bit of wiggenweld later the group was on their feet, albeit still sore and beat up, but alive. At least they were until they got healed up in the hospital wing, because once they were okay for sure, MC was going to KILL them. Or at least make them wish they were dead.

Sebastian's POV

Within minutes of MC showing up and obliterating the poachers, she had us patched up enough to get us back to the castle.

The walk to the nearest Floo station was awkward to say the least. MC was clearly pissed.

"Really, MC. Please don't take any of us to the hospital wing." Poppy pleaded with our friend, "We are fine. I'm fine."

MC stopped in their tracks as they reached the floo flame, slowly turning to face us. I couldn't help but flinch. Their face was stoney cold and their dark eyes flicked from face to face, analyzing every detail of us.

There was a tense second of silence before MC's features softened ever so slightly, and they sighed, "Fine. No Hospital Wing. You are, however, going straight to my Room of Requirement."

"But-" Poppy began to protest, but was cut off by MC's stern voice.

"No buts Poppy! You were crucio'd! Garreth was knocked unconscious, Sebastian could hardly stay conscious! The only one that's even semi okay right now is Natty, and that's probably because the Poachers were afraid to get too close to her!"

MC paused for a second, taking a deep breath to collect themself. My heart sank in that moment. They weren't mad that they had done something so stupid... No. They had been scared they would find their closest friends dead.

I step forward, eyes to the ground nodding, "You're right MC. Let's go."


Third Person POV

The Room of Requirement was cozy, even cozier than usual. After alerting MC to their friends escapades, Ominis had headed straight for the room of requirement and began to ready it. He had a strong feeling the group of vigilantes would not care to be taken to the Hospital Wing.

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