Cozy Sunday (Hogwarts Legacy x Reader)

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Description: After the events of 5th year, Y/n and her friends make a pact- at least once a week they take a day to relax and be normal teenagers. This is one of those days.
The main room in your room of requirement has long been dedicated to relaxation and comfort. Deek, being the amazing friend he is, had began setting the ambience to a soft warm glow on Sundays making the entire place feel candle lit.

In the center of the room was a group of couches, chairs, and even a pike of cushions to be moved around as anyone pleased. On the side of the room, against the wall near the staircase to the downstairs area, was a grand table that would fill with drinks and snacks on Sundays. (When you tried to thank Deek for it, he just shrugged and said, "Deek did not do this, it must be the magic of the place.")

Granted both you and Deek knew very well that the room was unable to provide food, but what Deek knew that you didn't? It was Professor Weasley instructing the house elves to create the wonderful buffet as a thank you for not only saving the school, but also keeping control of her nephew for a day.

Against the opposite wall was a training dummie, with the sign, "For practicing class work ONLY. That means you Sebastian."

Today, you and Poppy had arrived early to the room to begin decorating for Yule. The hyper Hufflepuff had wanted to decorate for over a month now, but you had a rule- no acknowledging the holiday before December 1st. You knew that today being December first would have Poppy excited, but you certainly didn't expect her to show up in your dorm, shaking you awake.

When you asked her how she even got in there, she just threw a comfy sweater and pair of pants at you stating, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

In the corner of the mainroom, just underneath the Swamp vivarium, Poppy summoned the largest Christmas tree she could get away with, and you were now assisting her with stringing copper colored tinsel around the absolute behemoth of a tree. (That was another rule you had, no super bright colors, keeping the decorations more nature toned.)

"Hey ladies, I brought-" you look down to see Garreth, jaw on the floor, "Woah, did Chris Kringle throw up in here?"

You chuckle from the ladder halfway up the tree, "Worse, Poppy." The mentioned girl pops over the railing to stick her tongue at you.

Garreth looked down at the box in his arms, "Well that explains why I was told to bring these."

You hop down from the ladder, using your ancient magic to cushion the fall. You jumping off of things that you definely shouldn't  was something all of your friends were used to by now.

Walking over to Garreth, you peak in the box and peer in, seeing clear ornaments, paint, and other things. Poppy once again popped up from behind the railing and squealed, "Surprise! We're making Christmas Ornaments for the tree!"

You just laughed, shaking your head. "Go head and lay that all out on the coffee table Garreth." Garreth saluted with his free hand before heading off to do as you asked.

You heard the door open, and from the entery hall Ominis voice carried, "It smells like cinnamon and pine in here."

"Mate, it's December first. Poppy probably had Y/n in here since 8am decorating." Sebastian chuckled.

You watched the pair enter, and Sebastian take in the view, mouthing 'God Damn'. You laugh, "7 am. She showed up in my dorm at 6:30, but I persuaded her to allow me to shower."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "How did she even get in their?"

You and Poppy speak at the same time, her shouting from the balcony, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Ominis snorted, "Seems about right for Poppy." Ominis then proceeded to b-line for the bright green vivarium, causing you to sigh and look at Sebastian, "I'm starting to think I should let Omi have his Christmas present early."

Garreth walked up beside you, throwing an arm around your shoulder, "And what would that be?"

"That damned puffskien he always kidnaps from the vivarium, what did he name it Seb?"


"Yeah, Pudding." You laugh, "Well, it's his. The little puffball listens to Gaunt better than it does me anyway. Plus, have you seen the size of that thing? It's expensive to feed it."

It's true, that puffskien was literally about 2 times the size of a normal puffskien. That didn't stop Ominis from carrying it around though. As if on cue, Ominis exited the Vivarium with Pudding following at his heals.

"Omi, I'm gonna give you your present a bit early." You chuckle. He sits down on the couch and Pudding jumps in his lap.

You can't help but love the smile that tint creature puts on Ominis's face. He glances up in your direction, "Oh?"

"Pudding is yours." Ominis's face lights up, and you see tears brimming his eyes.

"Wait, really?" He asks, joy threatening to overflow.


"Poppy, you've got a little..." you giggle, pointing at the end of your nose.

She wipes at her own, smudging the golden paint, "Did I get it?"

You chuckle, "Not really, but its a good look."

Garreth dipped his paintbrush in the gold and put it on his own nose, "You're a trendsetter, Sweeting."

Sebastian dips his brush in the gold as well, and to your surprise, he smudges in on your nose.

"Hey, no fair!" You squeal and quickly stick the tip of your finger in the paint, reaching out and placing a spot on his nose before he can stop you.

You are all laughing, except for Ominis. He's busy loving on Pudding, but glares up in the direction of the rest of you, "Put paint on me and I'll feed you to Pudding."

Everyone giggles again, and you speak, "Omi, it's impossible to say Pudding in a menacing way."

"Sure it is, watch." Garreth puts on a serious face and lowers his voice, "Pudding."

Everyone- including Ominis- bursts into giggles, and Poppy attempts to say the word in a threatening manner. "Pudding."

You all laugh harder, each repeating the word in an attempt to truly sound menacing.

You don't even notice as Deek apperates into the room, witnessing  you all in hysterics and growling the word in increasingly monster like voices. The confused house elf was pleased you were having fun, but slowly backed down the stairs as if attempting to sneak past a pack of wild beasts... he wasn't about to be pulled into your shenanigans.

NOT after last time.

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