Nothing Runs Like Dunkien (Ominis x Reader)

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Description: Ominis over heard Duncan Hobhouse spewing some absolutely awful words. Usually, he'd sic Sebastian on the coward, but Sebastian is visiting his sister in Feldcroft. Ominis has no choice but to turn to the reader, even if it's against his better judgment.


Saturday. Your favorite day of the week. A day of relaxation and rejuvenation. Nothing stands between you and your novel...

However, Ominis does happen to stand right infront of you, clearing his throat.

You jump out of your skin, having been so lost in the fantasy world of your novel that you hadn't noticed the man approach, "Merlin, Gaunt. Don't sneak up on me like that."

Ominis rolled his eyes, "I wasn't exactly moving like a shadow, L/n. I need your help."

You put a hand to your chest, gasping playfully, "THE Ominis Gaunt needs my help?" You close your book at pat the seat beside you on the common room sofa, "Sit down, you know it stressed me out when you stand over me like that."

Ominis rolls his eyes but takes the seat beside you, "Don't make me regret asking you for help, you menace."

You laugh, "I'd never do such a thing. Anyway, what's the matter?"

He smiles at you, clearly amused that you would actually care if something was wrong, "It's Duncan Hobhouse-"

You snort, "Say no more. How violent am I allowed to be?"

Ominis laughs, "You don't need to know what he did?"

"I suppose you can tell me, but no I don't need to know. I hate that specky git."

Ominis laughs harder, "Don't we all? Anyways, I over heard him talking to a band of first years about how 'mudbloods'" Ominis pauses, shuttering at the slur, "should be tortured and imprisoned."

You grimace, "Please allow me to be violent."

Ominis smirks, "As long as it doesn't get traced back to us, and he doesn't actually die..."

You clap your hands together excitedly, "Come on, I already have an idea."

You grab his hand and pull him up. Normally he'd protest, if anyone else was touching him- but he supposed he didn't mind you dragging him around, "Where are we going?"

Your mischievous grin spreads, and even though Ominis can't see it he knows damn well its there as you speak, "The Room of Requirement, of course."

Reader POV

We stood just inside the vivarium in silence as Ominis just pointed his red blinking wand at my masterpiece- his version of staring.

"Y/n..." Ominis began, but trailed off. I wasn't quite sure that this was the reaction I was looking for... but it wasn't a bad reaction persay.

"Yes?" I ask, lacing my voice with innocence. We both knew that was false.

"What in the everliving fuck is that?" He asked bluntly.

I let out a laugh, not expecting Ominis to curse. Sure he swore on occasion, but he really tried to keep the vulgarity to a minimum, "A puffskien."

He stood in silence for  another few seconds before speaking slowly, as if to a child or a mad man, "And why is the puffskien the size of a carriage?"

"I was brewing enlarging potions for extra credit, and Dolly had gotten out of the vivarium." I shrug, as if it's a simple thing to understand.

"You doused the puffskien in potion?!" He raises his voice, causing me to flinch a bit.

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