Detention! (Garreth x Sharp!reader)

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Description: As the daughter of ex-auror and current potions professor Aesop Sharp, Y/n has lived a pretty straight edged life. Well, that is she did, before she met a certain Weasley who gave her a taste of mischief. This time, though they didn't move fast enough and have to deal with the consequences.

Warnings: slight spice, swearing.


"Shit, run!" Garreth sprung from our vantage point in the dark corridor where we had set up to watch our firework display light up the Great Hall. My attention came back to the present, where we were sprinting past the house hourglasses and out the doors heading quickly to the doors leading outside. 

"A few feet, just a few more feet-" Garreth huffed under his breath as we neared the wooden doors. 

I pull out my wand and aim for the doors, intending to have them open by the time we reach them, "Accio!" 

A few students dodge out of our path as we near the door. Just as it was in reach, another voice rang out through the hall, sending the few remaining students skittering down the corridors.

"Colloportus!" The doors slam shut violently just as we reach them, causing Garreth to stop abruptly. Momentum sent me striking into his back, sending us both to the floor. My wand rolls to the side, and I scurry on my hands and knees to grab it when it flies out of my grasp. 

My eyes follow it, knowing who I was about to see. Surely enough, as Garreth and I sat there- his hand still holding my wrist- none other than Professor Weasley and my father approach. My eyes find father's first, searching them for his reaction. Instantly, I wish I wouldn't have. He was pissed.

Garreths hand slides down from my wrist to find my hand and squeeze tightly as Professor Weasley begins to speak, "One would think," her tone was as sharp as my fathers gaze, "That having family members in the schools faculty would make certain students behave."

My father brought a hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I don't know what to do with the two of you. Detention for the rest of the month."

"Dad! That's unfair! It was just fireworks!" I whine. Surely a month of detention was a bit overkill for just a few fireworks, right?

"Your fireworks," Professor Weasley began, "Set Duncan Hobhouse's robes alight."

Beside me, Garreth chuckles, and I drive my elbow into his side.

"The pair of you are lucky that a classmate nearby was quick thinking enough to put out the flames before they damaged anything other than mere clothing!"

"We couldn't have set Puffskein Dunkien on fire with the fireworks! They were our new invention, specially made for indoor use! If they could catch people on fire I'd be an inferi by now!"

"I don't want to hear it!" Professor Weasley barked, "To your dorms, both of you! And I expect to see you bright and early for detention tomorrow!"


The morning sun stained the sky vivid colors that in any other circumstances I'd find beautiful. I trudged down the winding path of the hill to the unused cottage at the edge of the property where Professor Weasley's owl had instructed me to be.

It was a quaint little thing, definitely needing some love, but I could see wonderful memories being made here in the future. The door opens as I approach, the crunch of frost underneath my boots alerting to my presence, as my father steps out. Behind him, Garreth follows quietly.

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