Training for Battle (Harry × Black!reader)

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Description: Sirius Black has asked his daughter to help train Harry Potter in defense while at school.


"I'm serious y/n, I don't understand why I need this. I already know expecto patronum, which is far more than most wizards, let alone wizards our age. I fended off Voldemort 3 times already. I'm fully capable of defending myself!" Harry whined, following y/n down the path past Hagrid' hut and further into the covering of the forest.

He couldn't see it since she trudged along the path ahead of him, but her eyes were rolled to far to the back of her head she was sure she'd be able to see him back there throwing his fit.

She stopped, whirling around in place with the speed of a hippogriff, "Diffindo!"

Harry flinched, expecting to be cut in half right there and then. He quickly realized he was unharmed and turned to look behind him. Only a few inches above his head lay a gash in the nearest tree. He turned back to look at y/n, incredulous, "The bloody hell did you do that for?"

Y/n shrugged, "I dunno. You were annoying me, and you said you were able to defend yourself."

Harry huffed, "Point taken. Along with it, then."

The pair continued to a clearing in the forest where they had taken to training. Y/n had stolen several training dummies from the castle over time, dragging them out here for them to use.

Harry watched as the girl sat her bag down on a tree trunk, slipping off her robe to expose her training clothes: a pair of black leggings and a matching black tank top. He studied her as she dug through her leather bag, pulling out various items.

"Uh, y/n," Harry spoke a bit hesitantly, afraid to make the wrong move and almost get beheaded for the second time today. Y/n turned only her head slowly to look at Harry- a move which he found a bit of a threat, but he continued, "Do you think you could teach me that spell you just did? Back there, I mean."

The girl laughed, turning her head back down to scan the contents of her bag, "Sure, Hazza. I thought for sure you were going to ask to leave or something."

"I wish you'd stop calling me that." Harry huffed, attempting to hide the slightly playful tone in his voice.

Y/n stood up, tossing Harry a water bottle, "Sorry Potter. I don't care how many times you beg, I won't be calling you The Chosen One." She teases back at Harry, "Now, show me basic stance."

Harry tosses the bottle nearby, taking position one foot slightly in front of the other, and wand up.

Y/n circled him, inspecting. She kicked out his foot a little bit further, then nodded approvingly, "I actually want to try to get you in the groove of throwing up Protego and Stupify consecutively."

Harry watched as the girl shielded herself, spinning in one graceful motion to then cast stupify at the nearest dummy.

It always stunned him, the way she was so violent yet managed to move like a ballerina. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen, the way she spell casted. Most wizards and witches movements were abrupt. Yet she was fluid, following through the motions.

"Potter. Potter! Hey!" Harry came back to reality at the sound of her snapping her fingers in his face.

For once, her face actually showed a bit of concern for the boy who lived, "You alright Potter?"

He shook his head, shaking the thoughts about her out, "Huh? Yeah. Yes. I'm fine. Let's continue."

The training session dragged on, and while Harry was able to smoothly and consecutively cast protego and stupify by the end of it, he was nowhere near the fluidity and ease of y/n.

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