Day Off (Hogwarts Legacy x Reader)

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Description: Just the tales from a day off of school. Mainly fluff, domestic, cozy- blah blah blah.

Your eyes flutter open gently, reacting to... wait. What even woke you up. Your eyes about pop out of your head when you realize the reason you woke up was a soft breath tickling your face.

Screaming, you jolt upright, in turn scaring the absolute crap out of your pet niffler who just wanted some treats.

"For Merlin's sake Pogo. That vivarium is meant to hold you. How do you always manage to find a way out?" You rub your face, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes.

Judging by your surroundings, you had fallen asleep on the cozily worn couch in the room of requirement.

Shit, you groan inwardly, Imelda is going to kill me.

Pogo paws at your foot impatiently, and you pat your shoulder, "Come on you menace, let's go get breakfast."

Pogo climbs up your body, proudly perching on your shoulder. You make your way to the floo flame, pausing quickly in front of the mirror when you remember you look like you just woke from the dead. You wave your wand, freshening up your look.

Your dirty robes are replaced with a simple oversized brown sweater and black pants. You slip into the aged black leather boots you always wear on your day off.

Nodding in approval at your looks, you pat Pogo on the head, "Alright little man, let's go."

The Great Hall was surprisingly empty, most likely due to the fact most people where still asleep after the quidditch match last night. You pause and glance around, looking for someone to sit with.

Pogo spots someone before you do, launching himself off of your shoulder with a squeak, and making a  mad dash to the hufflepuff table. Your eyes follow him as he dashes straight to Poppy.

She sat there with Ominis, Natty, and... ah shit. Imelda. The angry slytherin had already spotted you, and honestly, if looks could kill you'd be Hippogriff feed. Ignoring Pogo as Poppy and Ominis cooed over him like a baby, you sheepishly sit next to Imelda.

"Hey, Mel-" you start, not even knowing what to say to stop her wrath.

"Hey? HEY? You never came back to our dorm last night and you just say HEY?" Imelda cuts you off before you can begin to explain.

"Go easy on her," Natty shoots a friendly smile your way, "She spent alot of energy carrying your qudditch team last night."

"Just because you're a professors daughter doesn't mean I won't whoop you Natsai." Imelda shot across the table, only half joking.

Natty chuckled, watching as you reach for a fresh roll with honey butter on it, "Really though, I am sorry. I was finishing up some designs for Augustus Hill and lost track of time."

Imelda rolls her eyes, and you go to take a bite of the delicious roll when it's plucked out of your hand.

Sebastian sits beside you, taking a bite, "Thanks. Anyway, designs? You finished them?"

"Yeah," You nod, flipping Sebastian off. "Finally. I only slept for about 4 hours before somebody," You glance pointedly over at Pogo, who was sitting on Ominis's shoulder, playing with his necklace. "Decided to wake me up."

Poppy giggled, scratching the niffler on the top of his head, "He can do no wrong! Anyway, does that mean you're heading into Hogsmeade today?"

You nod, grabbing another roll and taking a bite before Sebastian steals it, "Mhm. Gonna drop off the designs with Mr. Hill and check in on Penny. It's been a while since I made sure she was, you know, still alive."

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