Supposed to be Me (Sebastian Sallow.)

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  Description: Jealous Sebastian.

Warnings- none. Angst.

  Honestly, you were just as shocked as your friends around you. Never in a million years did you expect anyone to ask you to the yule ball, let alone Garreth Weasley. Yet here he was infront of you, holding a bouquet of the most unique flowers you had ever seen. 

You couldn't help but blush, the girls around you cheering for you to say yes. Honestly, you had been secretly hoping that Sebastian would ask you, but here you are. Garreth is sweet, handsome, thoughtful... and there was the fact he actually asked you.

You smile up at him, laughing, "Why the hell not?" 

Cheers erupt around you, and Garreth sweeps you up in a hug, spinning you. For the first time in a while, you were genuinely happy, but as Garreth hugged and twirled you around, your eyes landed on the Slytherin table, finding hazel eyes staring back glazed with a fire filled fury. Sebastian slammed his glass onto the table so hard it shattered, and stormed out the door unnoticed by all but you and Ominis, the later of which hurrying quickly in Sebastians wake.

The rest of the day went relatively well, your friends still swooning over Garreth's rather thoughtful proposal, and you smiled and laughed along side them, all along hiding that growing pit in your stomach.

Your last class of the day was potions; one that you shared with your two Slytherin friends and Garreth. You had just rounded the corner when you saw Ominis and Garreth speaking quietly to each other. You slipped quickly into the nearest alcove, hoping that Ominis hadn't sensed you.

"I'm not threatening you, Weasley. I'm trying to warn you. Please, skip class. If Sebastian sees you, he will try to kill you." Ominis spoke in an oddly gentle tone of voice, one that meant he was serious.

Garreth sighed, rubbing his temples, "Fine. Just tell y/n why I'm gone. She'll be nervous." Garreth began working his was down the hall towards you before turning back to Ominis, "Oh, and Gaunt?"

Ominis turned his head towards Garreth, "Yes?"

"Keep your dog on a leash." With that, Garreth stormed past you, not noticing you hiding in the shadows. Ominis just sighed, continuing into the classroom.

In class, you sat next to your usual partner Imelda. She had clocked you the second you walked in, staring you down until you were close enough for her to grab onto your arm and pull you close, "Y/n, there you are. I hear you have a date."

"Word travels fast I see," You smile at her lightly. 

She doesn't return the smile, instead looking briefly over her shoulder then back to you, whispering, "It's not that word travels fast, its that any poor sap that was still in the Slytherin common room when Sallow got there witnessed some scary shit. The chair in the corner by the bookshelf was obliterated in his fit."

You frown, "But I love that chair."

"Focus, new kid. You have got to talk to Sallow before he kills someone. Namely Weasley."

You glance to the right towards the table that Sebastian and Ominis had claimed as theirs. Sure enough, there was Sebastian staring so intensly at you that it sent shivers down your spine.

You decided to ignore him throughout class, figuring it could all wait until the end of the day. After class had ended, Professor Sharp had asked you to stay for a bit longer, assigning you a few more 'special' assignments.

By the time you made it to the hallway, it was empty. Being Friday, you knew a bunch of kids were heading out to Hogsmeade. Your footsteps echoed in the small stone hallway, and your thoughts wandered to Sebastian. Where was he? What can you possibly say to him?

Your thoughts were cut short as one of the vacant storage rooms opened, a firm hand grabbing your arm, another wrapping around your mouth to stop you from screaming. You were pulled into the dark room, panicking until a few ancient candles lit up to expose Sebastian. He had you, back against the door, one hand above your head, staring down at you.

You sigh in relief, feeling your fear quickly meld into annoyance,  "Merlin's trousers, Sallow. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He laughed bitterly, turning away, "Whats wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?"

You shake your head, returning his bitter laugh, "What are you talking about Sebastian? I haven't done anything."

"Really?" He whirled around to face you again, causing you to back up into the door once again. You knew he'd never hurt you, but it still made you nervous, "Really? You've done nothing? You and Weasley making heart eyes at each other is nothing?"

"Sebastian, he only asked me to the Ball."

"Oh is that it?" He took another step towards you, "Does he even know what kind of flowers you like?"

You swallow nervously. The flowers he got you were beautiful, magical really, but your favorite flowers were roses. You thought back to the first time you went to Feldcroft with Sebastian, clearly picturing Sebastian cutting a deep red rose from a bush and weaving it into your hair.

Sebastian stood over you now, "Does he know you love to Waltz? Does he know how you dance and fight until your hair falls loose over your shoulders? Does he know how you laugh with joy as you absolutely destroy poacher camps? Does he know the way your eyes reflect the green of a curse while you kill to protect innocent creatures?"

He was right against you now, hands on either side of your head as he leans down, lips brushing against your ear, "I know. I know the darkness in you, l/n. I know the light in you. I know you."

Your gaze flicked from his eyes to his lips, "I was waiting for you to ask. You never did Sebastian."

His eyes soften a tad, searching your own, "I didn't realize you'd be stolen from me."

Your eyes lock on his, "I haven't been stolen, Seb. I'm still right here."

He half heartedly smiled, a hand cupping your cheek, "Well I guess that means its alright if I do this." His hand slid quickly to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as he roughly meets your lips with his.

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