Mischief Twins

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platonic! MC x Anne

Description: After being cured by MC, Anne gets to return to Hogwarts for their sixth year. Anne and MC become joined at the hip, causing trouble all around the castle. It gets to the point that Sebastian starts to wonder if he ever should have introduced them.


"Would you girls please tell me where in Merlins name you are dragging me?" Ominis near shouted as Anne and I dragged him down the hallway.

Giggling like maniacs, we stopped him outside of the charms classroom. 

Anne shushed Ominis, still giggling, "Hush. He'll hear you and it will all be ruined. Basically, we made sure that a certain Mr. Duncan Hobhouse lost his wand today."

"And I sent an anonymous owl telling him that I had seen it in the charms classroom-" I continued.

"But that isn't what is waiting for him in the classroom, Omi!"

The girls are laughing again, trying so hard to stay unheard. Ominis, intrigued yet slightly concerned sighed, "Do I want to know what pray tell the two of you put in that room?"

We continue laughing, just managing to get out a simultaneous, "Puffskeins!"

"At least 25!" I hiss with laughter.

Down the hall footsteps begin to echo, "Shit here he comes!" Anne pulled Ominis behind the nearest statue, and I quickly followed behind casting Dissillusionment over the three of us.

Duncan walked straight passed us into the room, jumping when we slammed the door behind him sealing it shut. We each pressed our ears against the thick wooden door, listening inside.

"Must have been the wind," Duncan said to himself., "Wait, what was that? Oh- Oh Merlin- NO!" A  barage of screams begin. 

Anne and I collapse  in laughter, Ominis damn near joining us on the floor. 

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