Body Switch (MC x Hogwarts Legacy)

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It was a quiet evening in the Hogwarts Library... Honestly in Ominis's opinion, it was too quiet.

Something was off.

Across from Ominis sat Sebastian, furiously scribbling down his transfiguration homework. That in itself was odd, the boy never did his homework.

Ominis sat his quill down onto the table and scanned the room, something was off. There's no way-

With a crash, the library door flew open, sending Cressida Bloom and her pile of books crashing to the floor.

Ah yes, there it is. Ominis thought to himself.

Paying no mind to the poor girl, Garreth Weasley bolted towards the slytherin pair in a streak of orange hair and freckles.

Sebastians attention had snapped up from his homework, eyes wide and clearly startled, "Weasley, what the bloody hell-?"

Garreth shot a finger to Sebatians lips and hissed to shush him. Sebastians eyes grew even wider and he smacked Garreths hand away from his face, "The fuck, mate?"

Garreth frantically gestured for him to quiet down, looking over his shoulder frantically, "You have got to help me. Oh they are going to kill me."

As if on que, Professor Sharp storms though the door, eyes scanning the room. Garreth curses under his breath, "You two didn't see me. In fact, Garreth Weasley? Who's that? I've never seen him before."

Sebastian watches in horrified amazement as Garreth downs a vial of liquid he pulled from his pocket and completely vanishes. Ominis listened in stunned silence as Garreths crazed murmuring grew distant.

Meanwhile, Professor Sharp's eyes locked onto Ominis and Sebastian. He stormed over, and Sebastian notices his telltale limp was gone.

"Professor...?" Sebastian cautiously greets the old man as he reaches the table.

"Seb, Omi. Have you seen that traitorous red haired weasle?" Sharp slammed his hand down on the table, staring directly into Sebastians eyes.

"Uh," Sebastian gulped, "Profes-"

Ominis chuckled, then began laughing so hard Sebastian thought he was about to throw up.

Professor Sharps eyes shot over to Ominis, narrowing. Sebastian on the other hand was absolutely confused.

"Shut up, Gaunt." Sharp snipped.

"What the literal hell is happening." Sebastian mumbled the only coherent words that formed in his head.

Ominis managed to calm himself down, "That's not Professor Sharp. I'd recognize that cadence of speaking anywhere."

Sebastians eyes flickered from Ominis to Sharp, realization dawning on the boy after a few seconds, "MC?!"

Sharp- well, not really Sharp slammed himself into the chair beside Sebastian, "Very good Sebby, you've caught up with the rest of the class." Not-Sharp rubbed his face, "I am going to KILL Weasley."

Ominis, still amused with the situation, leaned forward chin in hand, "Do tell. How exactly did this happen?"

"Well, you know how Garreth and I both have a work-study position with Professor Sharpe. Well, apparently Weasley decided to mix his new appearance swapping potion into our tea."

"He could have killed you!" Is all Sebastian manages to choke out. This whole situation made him uncomfortable. He knew that it was his MC sitting next to him, but he just couldn't relax when they just so happened to be the literal spitting image of the potions professor.

Over by the door, Cressida Bloom has just managed to collect her books when the door once again slams into her as MC storms through it, limping straight for the table.

"Oh this is so weird." Sebastian murmurs.

MC slams a vial down onto the table infront of Professor Sharp, "Drink."

Sharp uncorked the vial with a flick of their thumb and downs it with nothing but a grimace. MC follows suit, and to Sebastians amusement? Horror? He wasn't sure, and the entire library's confusion, the two begin to morph into their correct form.

Professor Sharp looks down at where MC is sitting, "Any luck hunting down that little delinquent?"

MC kicks out the chair from across from her, gesturing for Sharp to sit, which he does, "Not yet, but sit. I send Imelda an owl before I came here, with any luck she'll have him to us within the next five-"

Girlish screams ring out from behind the library door, which the four of them turn to stare at. The door flies open, (this time missing Cressida but hitting Leander, who was helping her gather books, square in the ass.) Imelda appears in the doorway, dragging Garreth by the ear. Garreth squealing like a stuck niffler, begging for her to spare him.

Imelda just drops Garreth at the table, "Delivery. You owe me, Snidget." Gesturing to MC with the universal sign for, 'I'm watching you.' Before turning swiftly and leaving, opening the door wide and hard enough to once again hit Leander.

A/N: just a short little drabble.

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