Broom Ride (Reader x Sebastian)

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Description: The reader and Sebastian sneak out of class together, and find that the tension between them may finally break.

Warning: Makeout Session. A swear word or two.

"This then began the first goblin rebellion-" Merlins beard, Professor Bins was exhausting to listen to. I never understood how anyone stayed awake in this God awful class.

It had only been 10 minutes into the hour long class, and Ominis had fallen asleep, head on our table, drooling ever so slightly onto his parchment.

I really needed to stay awake, so I did decided on my last resort, my sketchbook. Busying my hands should help me focus, it usually does.

I flipped the book open to a blank page and began drawing Ominis's unconscious form, listening to the long dead Professor drone on.

My pencil had began to run across the page as I dozed off... maybe a tiny nap wouldn't hurt... right?

Just as darkness had began to overtake me, a hand poked me in the side. I almost screamed, the daylights being startled out of me.

I turn to see Sebastian on my other side, somehow wide awake, grinning.

"Damn it Sallow you just about scared the piss out of me!" I hissed, smacking his head lightly.

He winced a bit and quietly chuckled, then leaned over to whisper, his breath hot against my ear, "Wanna go flying? I'm sure Binns won't notice us leave."

I eyed the professor, who clearly wasn't paying attention to any of us. I then looked over to Ominis, who was basically only one step away from being dead. Thinking about it, I sighed and scribbled down a note in my sketchbook, ripping it out and placing it under Ominis's hand, hoping he wouldn't drool on it.

"Let's go," I urged Sebastian. We quietly stood, slipping out the door while Binns faced out the window.

"God that class is so boring," Seb's voice rose to a normal speaking level.

"Preaching to the choir, Sallow."

"Seriously, who does he think he is teaching us about goblin rebellions? We lived through one!"

"Lord I know. Thank Merlin he's so boring. If I could actually pay attention, the old geezer would send me into a PTSD episode on the daily." My words came out as a joke, but both Sebastian and I knew how serious I really was. The two of us found out very quickly that dark humor was the best coping mechanism.

"Enough about that, I'm going to fall asleep just thinking about that class." We were outside now, near the Thestral stables.

I walked to the nearest empty stable, slipping off my bag, and tucking it behind some Beast supplies. Sebastian followed suit, and watched me as I pulled out a bag of chopped carrots and fed them to the closest Thestral.

I look over to him, seeing him watching me with an odd look on his face. If it was anyone else, I'd think that small smile and doe like eyes would be admiration. But this was Sallow. He didn't admire anyone, not in that way anyway. The only interest he showed in girls was lust.

I vanish the empty bag and look at him quizzically, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're just really sweet, is all." He walked up beside me, reaching up a hand to pet the Thestrals cheek. He was so close I could feel the warmth radiating from his body, "Most people are terrified of these guys. Meanwhile, here you are, smuggling an entire bag of carrots to feed them."

I look up at the Thestral, trying to ignore my heart beating a million beats a second, and shrug, "They are sweet creatures. It's not their fault they were born with an association to death. Kind of like us really," I reach up for Sebastian's hand, gently guiding it to the Thestrals chin, "She really likes chin rubs, and behind her ears."

Sebastian continues petting the beast,  but looks down at me. His eyes held a soft quizical expression, "What did you mean, like us?"

I hum, reaching up to scratch behind the beasts ears, "I never wanted to kill. But being given this extra power, the world didn't give me much of a choice. And you, everything you have done was to protect your sister. Or me."

Sebastian  continued looking down at me,  looking like he wanted to say something. After a moment, he stepped back, "We should get going on that flight."

My heart sinks a little bit, I had really thought that something was about to happen there. I give the Thestral a kiss on the nose, causing her to whiney a bit. I turn to Sebastian, seeing him already summoning his broom.

"Hold on, I'm not about to go running around the Highlands in my school robes." I walk over to a mirror hung on the wall, and wave my wand over my body, watching as my robes morphed into my new outfit I had just bought from Augustus.

A short sleeve brown peasant top, a midnight black corset with matching tight trousers and fingerless gloves. I settled on my usual knee high black boots. My hair weaved itself into a braid over my shoulder. I made sure that Sebastian wasn't looking at charmed a bit of makeup onto my face.

I left the stables, summoning my broom, and I see Sebastian had changed too. A black button up with the top few buttons undone, with matching pants ans leather boots.

His hair was messy, and his all black attire made my heart race. I really shouldn't think of him this way, he's my friend. My best friend.

He looks up at me, eyes widening briefly, and grins, "That's a new outfit. Don't you look hot?"

I giggled, walking up beside him with my broom, and shove him lightly, "Don't mess with me Sallow. Someone might over hear and think you've finally fallen for me."

I mount my broom, looking down to hide my blushing cheeks. He mounts his broom beside me, "Who said I was joking? I bet I can beat you to the well near Feldcroft!"

With a flash, he was in the air ahead of me. "ASSHOLE!" I shout, kicking off the ground and dart after him.

We weave through the mountains, racing ahead of eachother and popping balloons as we go. His laughter was contagious, causing me to laugh and whoop as we popped the balloons. Ahead, I see the ledge with the well. Leaning forward more and trying to straighten my body, I imagine myself as an arrow heading for a target. I can feel the air shift as Sebastian closes in behind me.

"You little brat!" His voice sounds distant, but I know that if I slow down, he'll be right ontop of me.

The ground comes up fast, but I'm not about to slow down. I tuck and roll off of my broom, rolling a few feet before landing breathless on my back, chuckling. He lands the same way only a second after me, tumbling to land right over me, only saving me from being crushed by propping himself up on his elbows. He too is breathless, yet when we catch eachothers eyes, the laughter between us is uncontainable.

His eyes once again meet mine, flickering down to my lips briefly, then back to my eyes.

He runs his tongue across his bottom lip, and his voice is gravelly as he whispers, "Fuck it."

His lips crash down on mine, startling me for only a split second. I reach up to grab the collar of his shirt pulling him into me harder, causing him to groan.

He shifts his weight onto one arm beside my head and slips the other under my neck and into my hair, as if to pull me closer. I gasp, giving him an opening to slip his tongue into my mouth.

Eventually, he pulls away, as breathless as before and looks down at me in amazement.

"Y/n, you have no idea how long I've weighted for that."
A/N: I swear to the gods, one day I will write something more spicy. You'd think as a 23 year old MARRIED woman it wouldn't scare me.

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