You're annoying (Sebastian Sallow)

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Description: (aged up) The events of 5th year happen in 6th. Sebastian drives you nuts while you're trying to do school work. He's a bad influence.

"Hey, Y/n." Sebastians voice drills into your ears. You try your best to ignore him and focus on your potions essay.

"Hey Y/n." He repeats. Again you just attempt to focus on your homework.

"Hey Y/n." He pokes your face this time. And every time he says your name. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/nY/nY/n-"

You finally snap, "For Merlins sake, Sallow. What?!"

The boy lays his front half across the library table, sighing dramatically. "I'm bored." He whines.

"I have an idea, you could work on the 8 inches you have to write for potions? Or maybe, and I'll admit this is getting a little wild, study for the Herbology exam."

Sebastian rolls his eyes, "I could, I suppose. But it's a friday- we are meant to be having fun!"

You sigh and place your quill in its ink pot, "Sebastian, for the last time, a dragon ate my belongings only 4 weeks ago. That includes my Galleons. I can't afford to go get wasted at the Three Broomsticks."

"If that's the only reason you refuse to go with me, I'll pay for you!" Sebastians eyes light up with hope as he straightens in his chair.

You sigh, "Look, I know you don't know me very well... but that's just not something I'm interested in. You can go out with the others, I'm perfectly content here."

Sebastian scoffs, "Uh, yeah. No. I'm not leaving this castle unless you do. It's bad form to leave a friend behind."

You just shake your head and smile, once again picking up your quill. You knew there was no use in arguing, the boy was stubborn. He sighs, and is silent for a moment before he starts restlessly bouncing his leg. Then he begins clicking his tongue... then tapping his fingers.

At your wits end, you slam your quill onto the table and lift up your hands in defeat, "Christ's sake, fine! I'll go!"

Sebastian quickly stands and pulls you up along side him, smiling ear to ear. He grabs your parchment and quill and attempts to shove them haphazardly into your bag, causing you to swat his hands away and sort your items in neatly, "You're annoying, you know that?"

"Please," he scoffs, smile never leaving his face, "Anne could have told you that eons ago."


The Three Broomsticks was busy by the time you two arrived, but Serona spotted you immediately. "There's my little Troll Slayer!" She hollered over the bustle of the patrons, throwing the bar towel over her shoulder and coming around the bar to hug you.

You smile, hugging her back. "Just you two tonight?"

"No, the others are around here somewhere," You look around, noticing with confusion that the others were not, in fact, around. You glare at Sebastian, "You told me that Ominis, Poppy, and Natty were here."

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "That may have been a lie to get you to go out."

"Sebastian!" You groan, trying to ignore his charming smile.

"Do not Sebastian me! You hardly do anything fun!" He defends.

Sirona just shakes her head, attempting to hide her smirk, "Cheeky boy. Why don't you two take the empty table up the stairs and in the corner. I'll bring up butterbeers, on the house." She turns, whispering in your ear, "The table has privacy... so if you decide to kill him..." She trails her words of and walks away, causing you to chuckle.

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