An interesting Turn in Time Pt. 3 (Golden Trio x MC×Hogwarts Legacy)

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The door to the kitchen swung open, reveling a group of adults sitting around a large table. Their previous bickering stopped immediately, filling the room in silence. All eyes stared at the Slytherin Trio, causing them all to stop dead in their tracks. Well, causing MC and Sebastian to stop dead in their tracks, and poor Ominis to smack right into Sebastians back.

Mrs. Weasley smiled comfortingly and waved the three in, "Come on dears, they don't bite." She eyed Dumbledore out of the side of her eyes, "Well, Albus may. But I suspect you already know that."

MC chuckled, finally walking into the room, and Dumbledore let out a merry laugh, "Unless they are a lemon drop, or maybe even a chocolate frog, they are safe."

MC took the seat closest to Dumbledore, and Sebastian guided Ominis to the middle seat. MC was unsure if Ominis realized, but this was a protective gesture. Neither of them wanted Ominis to be sat next to the stranger on the other side, caught unaware should things not be as they seem.

It's not that MC didn't trust Dumbledore, she did. But the three of them have been burned one too many times to truly trust anyone.

"This," Albus stood, gesturing first to MC, "Is Y/n L/n. One of my oldest friends and the last known Ancient Magic wielder. And her friends, Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow."

The pale, ruffled looking man sitting further down the table laughed, running his hand through his long black hair, "Never in a million years did I expect to invite a Gaunt into mu house."

MC and Sebastian bristled protectively. Mcs wand was already out under the table in an unnoticed swoop, eyes beginning to glow, and Sebastian began to stand.

A hand clapped on Sebastian's shoulder, gently lowering him back to his seat. It was the man sitting beside him, with a scar across his face, "No, no. What Sirius was trying to say," the man shot a glare over at 'Sirius', "Was we really are looking at some truly unlikely allies. I'm Remus, Remus Lupin. The idiot with no sense of manners is Sirius Black."

MC straightened up to look over at Sirius, surprise laced in her voice, "You're a Black? As in Headmaster Black?"

"Great- Great Grandson, I'm afraid." The disheveled man smiled wryly.

Mrs. Weasley cleared her throat to move the attention along, "I'm Molly Weasley, this is my dear husband Arthur." The red headed man beside her smiled so widely that the Slytherin Trio were a bit worried that his face would break clean in half.

Mrs. Weasley continued speaking, "That's Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Nymphadora Tonks."

The girl with pink hair leaned across the table to shake MC's hand, "Just Tonks. If you call me Nymphadora I'll break your hands."

MC chuckled, and Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "I see why Hermione compared the two of you now."

Ominis chuckled, "The energy is very much the same."

"Anyway, as much as I'd love to revel in the fact there's now two versions of Tonks running around," Mrs. Weasley winked at Tonks and MC, "We should really get down to explaining."

The 'kids' joined everyone in the kitchen as they all regaled the story of Voldemort to the Slytherin Trio. About two hours later, everyone sat around what Sebastian was sure was the world's longest table, eating and discussing their next moves.

"So your telling me," Ominis toyed with the fork on his plate, "That this Voldemort man, kid, whatever- is my waste of space brothers grandson?"

"I'm afraid so, yes." Dumbledore spoke with a mouth full of potpie.

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