Heat of the Moment (Sebastian x Reader)

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Request: Where in the heat of a battle against ashwinders one almost hit seb with crucio but the reader pushes him out the the way taking the hit and falls to the floor screaming in pain, sebastian goes full panic mode and quickly finished off the rest and ashwinders then rushed the reader to the infirmary and while they lay in bed the two finally confess their feelings to one another?

Warnings: Violence, swearing, slight mentions of throwing up.


The battle was like any other, really. It started the usual way, Seb and I stumbling across one of their pop up camps and deciding within seconds to annihilate them all without hesitation. In all honesty I had hoped with Rookwood dead and Harlow in Askaban that the Ashwinders would fizzled themselves out by now. Alas, some of these stains on humanity are very, very stubborn.

"Bombarda!" I hear Sebastian yell, quickly followed by the sounds of an explosion and a man screaming. Meanwhile I was taking out the last Ashwinder, using my ancient magic to smash them into the ground like a rag doll.

When the freak in the bowler hat was sufficiently dead, I turned to Sebastian. The grin on my face dropped within milliseconds as I saw him walking towards me. His beaming, cheeky smile told me that he had no idea of the group of three ashwinders that had appeared behind him.

The next few moments went in slow motion, feeling like an eternity yet having no time. Knowing words would not be enough, I lunged at Sebastian as the first crackle of red left the tip of the ashwinder's wand.

My hand found purchase on Sebastians shoulder, and using my momentum I swung myself around him. I had just placed myself between him and the ashwinder when the tendrils of the curse grab onto me, lighting every fiber of my being on fire.

One second, Sebastian was there in my grasp- the fall air was chilled and smelled of leaves and fire from the camp. The next, there was nothing but white hot pain- and the feeling of my soul being flayed to bits.


Sebastian's POV

I watched Y/n in amazement as she lifted the last ashwinder in the air, and proceeded to throw them into the ground. Once, twice, a third time- they were most certainly dead at this point- a fourth, and a fifth and final time.

As the bag of bones that had only a second ago been a person falls to rest on the forest floor, y/n turns to me grinning. I approach them, a warm feeling spreading in my chest. They were so powerful, truly like a modern god/goddess. And they were mine.

Well, not really mine. Yet. We were just friends, but-

The grin drops from their face as their eyes look past me. Within a second they lunge at me, flinging themselves behind me and turning me around in the process. It doesn't take me long to realize, 3 more ashwinders had been sneaking up on me.

Y/n's eyes dull, and they begin to scream. Their screams quickly grow quiet as they obliterate their throat. Vomit rushes into the back of my throat at the hollow thud that comes from the sound of their body hitting the dirt.

All at once I see red, and nothing but.
My eyes are pryed off of the love of my life writhing on the forest floor, finding the monster infront of me.

Like a man possessed, I had no control over my actions. My anger mastered my actions- a voice that was my own but darker escaped my mouth.


The face of the man who had been torturing Y/n wipes clean of its evil grin, and turns to his companions quickly killing them. I had been tempted to make the Ashwinder kill himself, but I knew that I would rather be the one to do it, "Diffindo!"

The man began bleeding out profusely.


The man lights up like lava. I let the man scream in agony for a moment, before ending it all with a single flick of my wand.

Turning to look at Y/n, I see them laying unconscious on the forest floor, shivering. Their body jerks in minut convulsions as the echo of the curse ricochets within them. Once again feeling the bile rising up, I fight off the feeling and kneel beside them intending to lift them.

The sound of gurgling with each breath becomes clearer as I kneel closer to their level, and I notice the small bit of blood bubbling from between their lips. Suddenly, the bile wins the fight; I twist around, falling down to my hands and knees as the contents of my stomach empties themselves.

I pant, wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my robe, and crawl back over to my friend. Shoving my hands under their fragile body, I lift them.

"It's alright, you'll be alright." My voice doesn't sound so sure, and I have a feeling they can't hear me anyway. My heart aches as I look down at them, and realize all at once that my reassurances weren't for them, they were for me. I wasn't about to lose the love of my life before I could tell them what they meant to me.

Y/n's Pov

It's funny, the way it feels sometimes when you wake up from a dreamless sleep. Like you just begin existing out of the void- a conscious built from darkness.

That's what it felt like when I woke up, that I was nothing. Then suddenly, voices.

"Mr. Sallow, it's been 3 days. I urge you to go back to class."

"With all possible respect due, Nurse Blainey: no."

"Mr. Sallow-"

"Ma'am, I will go throw myself down the nearest flight of stairs to injure myself if I have to. I. Am. Staying."

There's a sigh, "Fine, Mr. Sallow. I must say, as much as I feel you should be focusing on your education, your dedication to your friend is admirable." Soft footsteps move away, and a door closes in the distance.

I gain, or I suppose regain, control of my body. Willing my eyes open, I see Sebastian sitting in a chair next to my bed. He looked tired, staring off into space at things that weren't there. His pallid face brought the dark circles under his eyes into stark contrast.

"Seb?" My voice sounds more like a croak, startling myself.

His eyes turn to me, and he practically flings himself onto his knees to kneel beside the bed. His hand finds mine, quickly holding it up to his mouth like a prayer.

His voice is low and gravelly, he had clearly been crying, "Y/n, love. You're awake. I thought- Merlins sake I thought I lost you. I thought-" His shoulders shake and he begins to sob.

"Seb, it's okay."

"No, Y/n! It not okay! I thought you were going to die in my arms before I even got the chance to tell you that-" his voice wavers a bit but he continues, "Before I got the chance to tell you I am madly in love with you. There is not a single thing in this world that means more to me than you do. I would die- no. I would kill for you. I would burn down this entire fucking world for you. You are the only thing that matters to me, and I thought that you would die a violent death as I held you."

I slip my hand out of Sebastians grasp and slide it up against his cheek, and like an unconscious thought, his eyes flutter closed and he leans into my palm.

"I'm here Sebastian, I'm alive and I've heard you. You are what keeps me going after everything. To say I love you feels like a trivial thing compared to what I feel, but there are no proper words for it. So, I love you."

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