Nothing Like Your Father (Sebastian x Reader x Ominis)

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Request: The reader is secretly Rookwood's child and is so afraid to turn out like him and hopes no one finds out about this but somehow sebastian and ominis find out and to the readers surprise they don't hate them and understand that she's nothing like Rookwood.


Lies. One word to describe my life; one word to encompass all of the untruths that plague my every day.

From the first time Sebastian had accompanied me to Hogsmeade at the beginning of the year.

"What interest does Rookwood have in you?" He had asked. Poor clueless boy.

"I don't know." I had responded. Lies.

I had been so careful- so very fucking careful. I had orchestrated every little thing that I could to keep anyone from finding out.

From finding out what you may ask? From finding out the truth of my past, the truth of my parentage. From finding out that I was the daughter of Victor Rookwood.

Yet, in the end of it all here we were. Rookwood had caught me unaware, too busy with Ranrok to even care what my father could possibly be up to. He took me as I exited Ollivanders, believing that I was alone- completely unaware of the two boys perched atop the roof of the wandmaker's business.

I knew perfectly well that as my father apperated us to the Rookwood Castle that my boys wouldn't be far behind- yet I found myself praying to any deity that would listen that they wouldn't. I had come this far, my secret had lasted this long.

"Fuck off, Rookwood." I spat at the ground in front of him as his lackeys held my arms behind my back.

My father threw his head back in laughter, "'Fuck off, Rookwood'," he mocked me, "Is that any way to address your father you ungrateful brat?"

"You may have had a hand in my conception," I growled, "But you will never, ever be my father. Not even if the stars fall."

Rookwood tsked, circling me and my captors, "Such a shame. I was hoping you would join me. The magic in the repository is our birthright, Y/n!"

His eyes study my face, seemingly hoping to find anything but the hatred that lingered there. He shook his head, "It's a shame, really. No father looks forward to the day they kill their own daughter. Men- take care of her."

Even though the idiots hadn't even taken my wand, I couldn't reach it with my hands still pinned behind my back. I closed my eyes, allowing my magic to trail out- reaching for any lingering ancient magic in the repository below. The familiar tell-tale hum began in my veins, and my eyes shot open, glowing the bright near white blue that I have grown accustomed to. The air crackled around me and the ground began to shake.

The two goons holding my wrists became unsettled, "Uh, boss?"

My father whirled around, "Just kill her, you imbecile!"

Lightning struck down from the heavens above, disintegrating the men who restrained me. Around me, the other Ashwinders began to shout.

"Seize her!" My father ordered, but it was too late. I had already retrieved my wand from my pocket. One by one, I killed the remaining ashwinders. Collecting the traces of magic their souls left behind, I felt the ancient power within me strengthen. As I dropped the last Ashwinder, someone began to slow clap.

I turn to him, my father, as he began to circle me, "My dearest daughter," he grinned with nothing but pure malice, "All of that fighting, yet not one unforgivable left your lips. You're weak, but apparently so we're my men." He shrugs, pulling out his wand, "You know what they say, my dear. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. Bombarda!"

Expecting that, I easily rolled out of the way. Once again, the ground starts trembling. My father seems unphased, continuing to fire blast after blast at me- clearly attempting to stop me from focusing the Ancient Magic. The joke is on him, though. Over the past year he had sent goon after goon to take me to him, but all that appeared to do was strengthen and train me. I lift my hand that was not holding my wand, pulling him off of the ground.

I watched as he floated, meters above me, "You know, dad." I spat the last word with such distain, "You're mistaken. I do use unforgivables, only when someone really deserves it. Crucio!"

Midair, my fathers body contorts in agony. I watch him, allowing him to writh for a moment. I end the spell, allowing him a moment. To my surprise, he begins to beg, "Please, my girl." His body still twitches, "We can be a family again. We can be powerful together!"

I laugh- none of this was funny, but something deep within me broke. I laughed and laughed until tears trickled from my eyes. Wiping them and calming myself, I look him in the eyes, "Dad?" I watch as hope flickers in his eyes, "Say hi to Ranrok for me, he should be joining you in hell pretty soon." My fathers eyes widen, causing the reflection of the bright green flash as I end him once and for all, "AVADA KEDAVRA."

I drop Rookwood's lifeless body to the ground, and quickly follow suit. I curl my body inward, holding my knees to my chest as I sob. Every sorrow, every heartbreak- all of it left me as I wailed.

In my fit of agonizing sorrow, I heard footsteps approaching. I whirled up to my feet, wand out and ready to fight the approaching figures.

"Woah, there." Sebastian said, holding his hands up in surrender. My guard quickly drops as Ominis wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his firm chest. My knees give out as I begin to sob again. Ominis lowers us to we are on the ground, and a second pair of arms wrap around the two of us. Ominis murmurs comforting words into my hair, "It's okay my love, everything is alright. You did what you had to do."

In their arms, I sobbed until the teats ran dry. Breaking the silence, other than the soothing words from the boys, I spoke for the first time since damning my father to hell, "How much did you see?"

Sebastian squeezed me tighter, "Enough," there was a pause as he thought, "Y/n, why didn't you tell us Rookwood was your father?"

I shook my head, still refusing to lift my face from Ominis's chest, "You'd hate me. You'd think I was like him."

Ominis chuckled, to my surprise. I pulled away from the boys, sitting up to look at them. "Omi?" I spoke carefully.

"You really thought that I, a Gaunt, would care who your father was?" He smiled and leaned forward to put a hand on my cheek.

Sebastian did the same, placing his own hand on my other cheek. His thumbs gently brushed away the lingering tears from my cheek, "It would take alot more to cause us to even think negatively about you- but to hate you?" He smiled softly.

Ominis continued, "We are far too in love with you to ever even consider hatred."

Tears filled my eyes as I once again placed myself into their arms, "I love you boys too. Forever."

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