Pizza Time

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A/N: I have no clue when pizza became a thing in the UK. I just thought of this while eating dinner, so let's all close our eyes and pretend that there's no possible way they had pizza before.

Description: MC comes shifts to hogwarts from our world, and decides to introduce her friends to the greatest meal ever.


"MC, I can hear your stomach growling from over here." Ominis chuckled from his seat across from me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes a bit, "That would be because you have like, super hearing, Gaunt."

Sebastian pipes up from where he stands a few feet behind me, looking through the books on one of the libraries many shelves, "No, I can here it too, and I'm basically deaf."

Ominis snorts, "Sebastian, you have selective hearing. That is not the same as being deaf."

I chuckle, then hearing my stomach growl, put my head on the table and groan, "Merlin's beard. I wish this place had pizza delivery."

Ominis's eyebrows furrow together in confusion, "Pizza? What the bloody hell is that?"

The speed at which I sit up would make the flash jealous. My eyes wide as saucers, "You don't know what Pizza is?"

Sebastian sits in his seat beside me, "Are we supposed to?"

They were kidding right? They had to have pizza in this time period. Does pizza even exist in the Wizarding World?

I stand, slamming my book shut, "Meet me in the Room of Requirement in two hours. Don't eat dinner. Bring Poppy, Garreth, and Natty."

Without another word, I rush toward the door, ignoring Sebastian and Ominis calling after me, befuddled.

An an hour and some odd minutes later, Deek and I stand in the kitchen staring at our creation. Four large pizzas. One with just pepperoni and cheese, one with veggies, one meat lovers, and one Hawaiian. We also made one with sections of all the toppings for the house elves to try, since when I asked the elves for help making pizza, they all stared at me in confusion.

"Deek understands that this is a common food, in your other place?" Deek looks up at me, uncertain.

I nod excitedly, "Yes! We can even have it delivered to our houses. It's so good!" I reach out to the House Elves pizza and take a slice of the pepperoni pizza, handing it to Deek.

He takes it, looking at it, then me, apprehensivly. I smile encouragingly, "Take a bite. If you don't like it, I wouldn't be offended."

Deek nods, and takes the smallest bite. He chews it for a second, and his eyes widen and light up, "Miss! Deek thinks this is most wonderful! Deek must get the other house elves to try!"

He calls out, and other elves from around the kitchen gather around the pizza. The quiet muttering grows to an excited roar as the house elves eat. I couldn't help but smile. Avoiding the ruckus, I levitate the pizzas over the crowd and make my way to the nearest floo flame.

Glancing at the giant grandfather clock in the room of requirement, I realize I only have a few minutes before my friends show up.

I set each pizza out on the long banquet table I summoned earlier, and turn to the Room. I summon another table, and get to thinking.

Should I give them the ultimate pizza party experience? It shouldn't be too hard to transfigure something into the animatronics from Chucky Cheese...

I shake my head. No, probably not the best idea. They'd scare the shit out of Sebastian. Hell, they scare the shit out of me.

I settle on summoning some drinks; butter beer, pumpkin juice, water. I at least have to use paper plates, that will give the true pizza experience.

There's a knock at the door before it opens. Before I can see them, I can hear Poppy's sweet voice, "Oh wow! It smells delicious in here!"

"Hey guys!" I can hardly contain my excitement, "Please. Sit, sit."

They all sat, Ominis clearly hesitatant, "Are you going to tell us what exactly this is about?"

Sebastian perked up, "Is this one of your 'modern times' things?"

I smile, nodding. Ominis groans, "Merlin save me. Last time she did something from 'her time' I ended up in, what did you call them? Skinny Jeans?"

I laugh, "It's not that bad Omi. Anyway, I brought you all here because it occurred to me. None of you have ever had Pizza! This is something everyone has had. Birthday party's, drinking with friends, hell. Even pizza parties in school."

Natty and Poppy watched me give my grand speech, intrigued. Garreth cleared his throat, "What exactly is Pizza?"

I flair out my arms, "Only the best food in the entire world! Bread, sauce and cheese is the basic. But you can add toppings."

I gesture to each pizza and describe the toppings. I then hold up a paper plate from the pile, "This is a paper plate. You see, if you don't want to cook, you order pizza. And if you don't want to cook, you obviously don't want to do dishes. So: boom! Disposable plates. Come on, come get a few slices!"

The girls jumped up immediately, rushing over and chattering on what kinds they wanted to try. They eventually settle on getting a small slice of every kind. Garreth saunters up to the table, thinking for only a moment before he takes two slices of each.

He sees me raising an eyebrow, "What? I already know I'm going to like it. I've never met a food I didn't like."

I smirk, "Fair enough."

Sebastian walks up, grabbing two plates and holding one out to me, "Can you hold this for me love?" I take the plate, watching as his eyes study the pizzas, "Ominis said to get him a slice of whatever looks good, and a slice of your favorite."

I smile, grabbing a slice that has bacon and ham, "This. I could eat a whole pizza with bacon and ham!"

He chuckles, adding a slice to his own plate, "Well, I more or less trust your judgment."

He goes on to add a few more slices to him and Ominis's plates, before taking them back to the table. I can hear Sebastian explaining to Ominis what each slice is as I grab two slices of my favorite and join them at the table.

They all looks at me, and I laugh, "Go ahead, you don't need my permission."

I watch each reaction. Poppy takes a bite and squeals. Natty laughs at her, taking a bite of her own, and her eyes widen. She glances at Poppy as Poppy giggles, "Right?!"

My the time my eyes find the redhead, he's already on his second slice.

Meanwhile, Sebastian watches Ominis with bated breath. Ominis lifts my favorite slice to his fave, sniffing it hesitantly. He slowly takes the smallest bite, and Sebastian and I giggle as cheese stretches out when he pulls the slice way. Ominis, ever the serious man, starts to smile, eyebrows lifting in surprise.

Sebastian, finally, takes this as his cue to try, taking a huge bite. He doesn't bother to wait until he's finished chewing to speak, "Y/n, this is freaking amazing."

Poppy laughs, mouth full as she speaks, "Right? We need to do this more often! What did you call it? Pizza party?"

I nod, "Yup."

Ominis laughs, "Maybe I am interested in learning more stuff from your world after all."

A/N: Just a stupid little short one. I feel like Garreth would be the type to like Hawaiian Pizza. *gags*

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