Where I Can't Follow (Sebastian x Reader)

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Warnings- blood, near death.

Description: While on a quest to the goblin mines with Sebastian, Y/n is near fatally wounded.

It happened all too quickly, really. One moment I was fighting side by side with Sebastian, disintegrating goblins as they charged.

The next, I'm laying in the snow. The world around me is fuzzy, the sky above me is exploding with lights, and ash lightly falls onto my face.

Wait, no. Not ash, but snow. I'm laying in snow... but why am I not cold? My coat feels wet. Did I fall in a puddle?

The explosions around me stopped, and somewhere in the distance a man screams. I struggle to sit up, only managing to prop myself up enough to look down at my body.

There, through the side of my abdomen protrudes a stick. No, it's a bit large to be called a stick. A limb, maybe?

Blood pours from the wound, seeping from all sides of the wood. That limb really is the only thing keeping me alive, huh? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's not a good thing.

I laugh at my joke, spitting up blood. Sebastian is to my side within seconds. On his knees beside me, his hands search for something useful to do, yet unwilling to touch me.

"Y/n! Y/n, no. Please stay with me," he finds my bag in the snow, pulling out several vials of Wiggenweld potion, "I'm going to have to pull that out, Y/n."

I nod, dropping my head back into the snow and cough up a bit more blood, "Y/n you need to listen to me. The second I take it out, you have to drink as much wiggenweld as you possibly can. Do you understand?"

I only manage to nod, coughing up more blood. He hands me several vials with the lids off, and positions himself to straddle my legs. The second his hands touch the post protruding out of my abdomen, I cry out in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Sebastian sobs as he gets a firm grasp on it, "I'm going to pull it out. It's going to hurt, but I need you to stay strong. I really need you to drink the potions right away, okay?"

He begins to count down.


The world is growing dimmer by the second.


More blood chokes me.


My world lights up, my senses flooded with nothing but white hot pain. I scream. I scream and scream as if I'm attempting to be heard by God.

Sebastian is screaming too, now leaning over me, "Please, drink! Drink!" I feel pressure on my abdomen lighting up my senses with agony even worse than before, "Please, Y/n. Don't go where I can't follow. Please."

Somehow, i manage to find the strength to bring a vial to my lips. The green liquid mixes with the blood already on my tongue, but I manage to swallow. Already, the pain subsided a bit. The next vial was easier, and the two after that required almost no effort.

I feel hands on my skin, slipping due to the blood, but I no longer feel the sharp pain tearing me in half.

Sebastian moves off of me, collapsing in the snow beside me. His voice is breathy, as if he had just ran a marathon, "It's healed, Y/n. You can rest now, you'll be okay."

As if that is all of the permission the darkness needed, it overtook me.


When I woke again, the first thing I noticed was warmth. Instead of the hard, cold, snow-covered ground, I was in a bed, layered with blankets on top of me. Instead of the dim grey light of a winter evening, warm candle light lit the space around me.

I sat up, taking in my surroundings. The hospital wing. What happened, why am I here? I close my eyes hard, thinking.

Sebastian and I were fighting Goblins at the mine... I fell? I was on the ground. No, no I didn't fall. I was impaled.

I gasp, frantically flinging off blanket after blanket- pulling on the night clothes that were now on me. How am I alive? How-

I warm hand grabs my wrist, and my head whips up to see who was touching me. Seeing Sebastian, my lowered my guard. Apparently, I had not noticed him asleep in the chair beside me, and my frantic movements woke him.

"Here," he spoke gently- as if to a wild beast- as he carefully sat my hands back onto the bed, "Let me."

I watched as his fingers fumbled with the buttons on the bottom of the nightshirt, and pulled the fabric up just high enough to expose the fresh, jagged scar.

I sucked in a breath, staying calm. This wasn't my first, nor would it be my last scar. "Seb, how am I alive?"

Before he could even answer, flashes came back to me. His screams, the pain, the wiggenweld.

"Don't go where I can't follow."

My eyes flicked up to meet his. The whites of his eyes were red, the skin around them dark and puffy... he had been crying. My hand, as pale as snow compared to his tanned complexion, lifts to his cheek.

"You saved me Sebastian."

He swallows hard, not breaking eye contact, "Of course I did. I'd burn the world for you, y/n."

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