Amortentia (Ominis x Reader)

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Description: As in every stereotypical fic, our dear Ominis smells the reader in the Amortentia.


"Once you are done with the potion," Professor Sharp speaks from the front of the room where he leaned against his desk, "Call me over, I will inspect it. You and your partner will tell me what it is you smell, and you will be free for the day. However, don't expect to leave early. This potion is very difficult to master. Begin."

At the back potions station, Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, and Y/n all looked at each other with expectation. They were waiting for the other to grab the ingredients.

Ominis waved his hand infront of his eyes, "Sebastian, the last thing you want is for me to grab the potions. Blind, remember?"

Sebastian groans, "I was hoping you'd forget about that."

MC chuckles, standing up with Sebastian. Her hand pushes Garreths shoulders as he attempts to stand, "Nuh nuh, absolutely not. I'll go with Seb and get the ingredients."

The red head begins to whine, "Nope, I was partnered with you to make you you behave yourself. I'll get the ingredients, you'll sit there and behave."

She rounds the table, leaning in to whisper into Ominis's ear, "If he so much as moves, jinx his ass."

Ominis chuckles quietly as she walks away with Sebastian, quietly savoring the electric feeling of her breath against his ear.

He hears Garreth huff quietly, "Damn girl never let's me have fun."

Ominis laughs quietly, accidently drawing Garreth's attention to himself. "So Gaunt," the mischief- makers grating voice reaches Ominis's ears, "What are you going to do when you have to explain that you smell Y/n in your potion?"

Ominis rolls his eyes, "Oh stuff it Weasley, we are just friends. You know that."

Garreth, clearly amused that he struck a nerve, laughed, "Whatever you say mate." Garreths tone changed quickly, "That was quick, L/n."

Y/n shrugged, setting down the plethora of ingredients, "Not my first rodeo with this potion- and no. Don't ask."

Garreth let's out a surprised laugh, "Well I'll be damned. You do have a rebellious side to you."

"Very good, Y/n. Excellent potion as usual." Professor Sharp praised the girl from across the table. "I know I said I would let you go for the day, but would you mind staying for a bit and helping me get a few ingredients out of storage? My leg is bothering me something fierce today."

Garreth had already left the second that Sharp gave him the go ahead, and Ominis and Sebastian still worked diligently. So diligently infact, that Ominis didn't even notice when she left the table.

"Aaaaand- finished!" Sebastian stirred the potion a final time, and dramatically flicked his hand over the cauldron to waft the smell to his nose. He hums thoughtfully, turning to his friend, "So Ominis, what do you smell."

Ominis inhaled, closing his eyes and thinking. His eyebrows furrowed together, and his eyes opened, "Nothing. I can't smell anything over Y/n's perfume. Did you really have to spray it right here and now, Y/n?"

Sebastian barks a surprised laugh, causing Ominis to grow annoyed, "Whats so funny?"

Sebastian leaned closer to his friend and whispered between laughs, "Mate, she isn't here. She's in the storage room helping the Professor with something."

"Well that doesn't make any sense, how can I- Oh. Oh!" Ominis's indignation quickly turns to surprise.

Across the room, Sebastian sees Y/n as she exits the storage area with Professor Sharp, "Professor! We finished the potion!"

Y/n follows the professor over, shooting a confused look at Sebastian, "What on earth has you laughing so hard?"

This just causes Sebastian to laugh harder, and poor Ominis turns a darker shade of red.

"It looks correct, gentleman. Now, what is it you smell?"

Sebastian smiles, "Broom polish, and something like wind on a stormy day."

Sharp turns to Ominis, who just clears his throat, "Perfume, sir."

"Very well, Gaunt. But how do you know its not one of your fellow students perfume you're smelling, and actually the potion?"

Ominis begins to stumble over words, but Sebastian grins. "Well sir," his voice entirely too jovial, "She was in the storage room with you when he first said what the potion smelled like to him."

Ominis puts his face into his hand, mumbling a few curse words to Sebastian. Sharp raised an eyebrow, looking over to the girl to see if she realized what had just happened. She seemed to be puzzling it out, "Very well then. You lot are free to go."

As the older man turned, Sebastian caught a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Oh!" Y/n finally said, and to Ominis and Sebastian's surprise she began to giggle.

Ominis deflated, "You don't have to laugh at me, Y/n."

The girl quickly shook her head, "No Omi! I'm not laughing at you! I'm laughing because my Amortentia smelled like you! You just weren't paying attention when I described it."

"I, uh... oh." Is all Ominis managed to stutter out.

Sebastian lifted his bag over his shoulders, "Well, I'll let you two love birds figure this out." He stopped, turning to face them, "Just don't add to the population, please."

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