Wingman (Sebastian Sallow x Reader x BFF!Garreth)

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Description: Garreth is tired of you swooning distractedly over a certain Slytherin, he decides to take matters into his own hands.


In the months after the events in the catacombs Sebastian, you're once closest friend, grew distant.

You felt lost and alone. After everything you had done for him, he had seemingly forgot your existence like nothing. Of course, you still had the likes of Ominis, Natty, and Poppy... but there was something different about Sebastian.

However, your salvation came over that summer in the form of a certain Garreth Weasley. The professors had unanimously decided to allow you to stay in the castle over summer holiday, seeing as you were the sole reason the place was still standing.

Professor Weasley had noticed your odd behavior as you scampered throughout the castle, speaking only to house elves, but the day she caught you sitting in the spot that you and Sebastian had always shared, silently crying, she realized something needed to be done.

To say you were shocked when you had entered the usually deserted potions classroom to find Garreth Weasley mid concoction would be an understatement.

He had came to the school as soon as he had received his aunts owl, begging for him to keep you company. Sure, before this the two of you had been friendly enough- but after spending the second half of the summer together, the two of you were inseparable.

At some point, you had told him everything. From Ranrok, to Rookwood, to Sebastian's uncle. To your surprise, he didn't leave. Nor did he run to tell the nearest authorities. Instead, he hugged you.

"You won't have to go through anything like that alone again. I'm so, so sorry that my aunt and the others didn't step in sooner. As for Sallow, I understand why he did what he did. What I don't understand is why he would abandon you after everything you did for him." He stroked your hair gently.

"I don't think it was just me he abandoned," You sigh, leaning in to his embrace. He smelled like cinnamon and gunpowder. You were afraid to know why the hell he smelled like gunpowder.

"I know. Maybe he just needed time. Maybe he will be back to his insufferable self by the start of classes," Garreth takes your shoulders and holds you out at arms length to study you, "But he better watch himself, because our forced proximity here was made you into my little sister now. So I'll kick his ass."

You chuckle, wiping away a stray tear, "Gare, were the same age."

"Ah, see. That may be true, but you are also smaller. Therefor little." He explains patting you on the head like a child, and shrieking when you playfully punch his arm.

That brings you to today. The first day of the year, and the first potions class. Despite your best attempts not to, you found yourself looking for Sebastian. To this point, there was no sign of him.

'Maybe he didn't come back? What if Ominis turned him in?' You thought before you caught yourself, 'Don't be ridiculous, Ominis would never do that.'

Your thoughts silences themselves when, just before the bell, the potions door swung open in walked Sebastian and Ominis. To say you froze in your spot was an understatement. It was as if you caught a basilisk's stare in a mirror.

Garreth felt you tense up beside him, reaching over to shake you by your shoulder. "Snap out of it," he whispered.

You did, your face growing red as you turned your gaze down to stare at your cauldron.

You felt his eyes on you, but didn't dare look up.

As Sharp began class, explaining what they would be brewing today, Garreth would periodically lean over and whisper stupid jokes into your ear, causing you to quietly giggle.

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