Greastest game of Tag

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Walking into the room, I take in the scene. The Charms room only had a handful of people in it, all looking as confused as I was. This morning, I received an owl from Professor Ronen  telling of a top secret meeting of a 'secret society'.

Ominis and Sebastian were already here- Sebastian leaning back in his chair with his feet kicked onto the desk, Ominis standing beside him with one foot on the chair. He was leaned forward enough to set his elbo on his knee. He appeared to be talking rather animatedly to Poppy, who was sitting crisscross on the desk behind them.

Glancing around the room, I notice a few Ravenclaws, Amit among them. A random Gryffindor girl talking to Natty, Leander and Garreth, and a couple of Hufflepuffs. However, there is no sign of Ronen.

Obviously, I decide to go sit with Poppy and the boys. I basically prance over with a bit of a pep in my step and sit on the desk beside Sebastians feet, swinging my own legs over so I'm comfortably facing Poppy. "So, what do we think is happening here?"

Sebastian smirks, "Hello to you too, y/n."

Ominis smiled rather largely, "Oh hello, we were just saying that Poppy here had seen Professor Ronan in the hall earlier, apparently looking like a kid on Christmas."

Poppy nodded enthusiastically, "I bet it's some kind of game! Oh, I love a good game."

The door to the room opened again, this time revealing Professor Ronen. The elder man strode into the room, accioing a desk over to meet him at the center front of it. With surprising agility, he climbs on top of it, taking a moment to straighten his multicolor robes, then clears his throat to silence the room. As if it didn't go as silent as a grave when he walked in.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I assume you are wondering why you are gathered here today." Around the room, heads nodded. "I have hand selected each and every one of you for multiple reasons. For over achieving grades," he nods to Natty.

"For adventurous spirits." He nodded to our group.

"And for craving a bit of Mischief." Garreths turn to be nodded at.

"Welcome to the first official meeting of the Fun Havers club!" Ronen clapped his hands together loudly.

Ominis's eyebrows knitted together the way they do when he is trying to figure stuff out. "Uhm, the Fun Havers Club, Professor?"

Ronan swiveled to face Ominis, pointing one finger to him from where he still had the clasped in front of his body, "Indeed, Mr. Gaunt! We are a group of people who what? Like to have fun!"

I glance over to Sebastian, communicating to him that I believe Ronan had finally gone the rest of the way around the bend. Sebastian raised his eyebrows quickly as if to agree.

Meanwhile, Ronen continued, "The idea came to me. I was thinking of how I could incorporate the muggle game of tag into a Charms lesson. Then I realized it doesn't have to be used for class! What if I started a club  where we played games?" Sebastian removed his feet from the desk and leaned forward a bit, quite interested.

"I will say now, if you are not interested in this idea, please go now. And keep this secret." After a second, the Gryffindor girl and two hufflepuffs shyly left the room. Ronan looked expectantly around the room, and went he saw no one else moving to leave, he broke out into a grin. "Excellent! For our first game, we will as I said, be playing tag. However, here are the rules.

"This game will begin Monday. I will be the first 'it' as the muggles say. I will tag one of you, you become it and so on. Once someone is tagged, youll find that the initials of 'it' will be found on the back of your hand. The game will last until Friday. One cannot be tagged during class- before and after are free game. Every time you have been tagged, you will receive a golden line around your wrist. You can not tag the person who tagged you within 10 minutes, it will not count. The student with the least amount of glowing lines around their wrist wins this."

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