Bet You Can't (Hogwarts Legacy x Reader)

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Description: Ominis accidentally starts a bet that the reader and Sebastian can't get a sheep into the school. They take that personally.

"I'm dead serious," Y/n spoke with her mouth full, recounting the story of what she had witnessed earlier, "The hufflepuff brought an entire sheep into the Hospital Wing. He thought it was his friend George."

Sebastian was laughing at the absurdity of the situation, but Ominis shook his head, "How exactly did he manage to get a sheep into the school?"

Y/n shrugged, "Through the front door I'd assume."

"Someone surely would have stopped him."

"Apparently not," Sebastian chimes in, "I can't imagine it would be terribly hard. We could do it."

"No, you couldn't and you wouldn't." Ominis chided, already seeing where this was headed.

"No no, Sebastians right. I bet we could." Y/n shoots Sebastian a mischievous look- which he quickly returns.

"I bet you can't do it."

"Deal, what do are you betting?" Sebastian said.

"That's not what I mea- you know what? Fine. I bet you both new brooms that you won't be able to do it."

"Okay, deal. And we bet..." Sebastian tapered off, looking to Y/n.

"We will listen to you and not break any rules for an entire month." Y/n finished.

Ominis raised an eyebrow, "Deal."

Little did Ominis know, he had just created two monsters.


"We lead the sheep to here," Y/n spoke, tracing her finger along the field guide map. "It shouldn't be hard, really. There's a flock right up the road here," she pointed again, "So the front doors would be our best bet, I think."

"Sounds good to me," Sebatians shrugged, "You're the one constantly sneaking out of the castle, I don't think I should doubt your judgment."

Y/n beams proudly at the boy, causing him to chuckle. The pair had grown ridiculously close over the year, especially after the events of the repository.

"We move at dinner time tomorrow, that's when the most people will be out of the hallways." Y/n said.

Ominis had given them 3 rules:
•two tries only
•it can't be after curfew
•the sheep has to set foot in the hospital wing

"Piece of cake," Sebastian said, leaning back into his seat. The common room was deserted, leaving the pair to scheme by the light of the fireplace.

"Our biggest problem would be Peeves," Y/n said, looking to Sebastian, "However, the colorful git seems to stick to a few main places. The area that Ominis likes to sit on the floor for some reason," she points to the map, "He usually pops up there juggling fire."

"How does he even get fire? Is poltergeist power, summoning fire?" Sebastian wondered.

"Honestly mate, your guess is as good as mine. Like I was gonna say, if we can get passed that point we should be in the clear."

"Sounds good to me." Sebastian stood, clapping Y/n on the back. With a large stretch and a yawn, he winked at her before heading to his dorm.

"About time ya show up, ye bastard." Y/n shouted down from the tree she had perched herself in. Sebatian was meant to show up 30 minutes ago, and she didn't want to be seen waiting for him- that would require an amount of explaining she didn't quite feel like entertaining- so she climbed a tree and waited.

"Hey, you aren't the one who had to break away from Ominis. Why are you pissed off and why are you sitting in a tree?" He shielded his eyes from the setting sun with his hand as he looked up at the girl.

She hopped down from the branch, landing gracefully on her feet, "Waiting for you. And who said I'm mad?"

"'About time ya show up, ye bastard'," he mocked her thick Scottish accent, "Your accent getting stronger isn't exactly a sign that you're happy, love."

She rolls her eyes, "Eh, whatever. Anyway, look over there." He followed to where her finger was pointing, seeing a heard of sheep in the nearby field. In the center, there was a tiny one. "I say we go for one of the bigger ones. I have a feeling that if we go for the little guy Ominis will complain."

Sebastian groaned, but agreed. Ominis wouldn't let it slide if they only brought in a baby sheep.

Sebastian watched as Y/n snuck close to the herd of sheep, and silently waved her wand. The first sheep immediately turned into a bag of coins. Y/n stomped in frustration, "Son of a Bitch!"

The remaining sheep scattered as sebastian walked over, pocketing the galleons, "Was that not supposed to happen?"

"No," the girl groaned, running her hand through her hair as she looked over to where the sheep once again congregated, "I don't know why, but sometimes that happens. Quite annoying really."

"Well, let's try again. Worst comes to worst we are a few galleons richer."

Y/n casted the spell again, and this time the sheep turned into a ball of yarn. Y/n levitated the ball and lead it to the cobblestone road, "Alright. So this spell doesn't last very long, so I'll have to cast it a few more times."

Sebastian nodded, and as soon as he did, the sheep sprung back into form.
"Ah shit. This is gonna be harder than I thought." Sebastian mumbled, watching as Y/n circled the sheep to block it from running.

"Seb, did you grab the leads from the Thestral stables?" The girl spoke as she waved her arms to scare the sheep back a bit.

"Oh! Yeah, here." He held out a rope, "Arresto Momentum." He approached the frozen sheep and clipped in the lead.

To their surprise, once the sheep regained mobility it caused no problems for them. As they walked along the path, it followed feebly by their side.

"So when we get to the door, we'll feed it invisibility potion," Y/n spoke calmly, as if they were just a couple taking their dog for an evening stroll, "That should give us enough time to get past Peeves- assuming he's even there."

"You're a little too good at sneaking around the castle, you know." Sebastian chuckled.

"And here I thought you'd be better at it," she winked playfully at the boy, "No wonder you always get caught."


"What exactly do you two have there?" Professor Sharps voice startled the pair as they approached the final spiral staircase before they finally reached their target.

Y/n and Sebastian both slowly turned around, sheepish grin on their faces. The sheep, which they had dubbed Ominis Jr., turned to face Sharp as well- dumbly chewing on... something ."

"Professor," Sebastian drew out the word as he scrambled for something to say, "Fancy seeing you here."

The man just hummed, looking to Y/n with an eyebrow raised. She sighed, "Ominis bet us new brooms that we wouldn't be able to sneak a sheep up to the Hospital Wing without being caught."

"New brooms, huh?" Sharp studied the pair as they gave him their most charming smiles. He shook his head, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but go along. You two are lucky you're on the Slytherin Quidditch team, else I'd turn you in."

Y/n beamed at the professor, "Thank you, sir! You won't regret it!"

Professor Sharp watched the pair of students rassle the lumbering beast up the stairs, smiling slightly and shaking his head, "Trouble makers. If they were smarter they would have came up through the clock tower."


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