In The Dark (Sebastian x Reader)

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Description: After getting Sebastian sent to Askaban for the murder of his uncle, Reader begins seeing him out of the corner of her eye and down dark hallways- but she's just imagining it... right?

A/N: I'd never send my boy away. This hurts to write.

Warnings: suspense?, small mention  of blood


"You look like death warmed over," Poppy tilts her head in concern, studying you over the breakfast table.

You throw her a half smile that doesn't meet your eyes, "Just didn't sleep much, that's all."

Poppy's mouth presses into a thin line, "Did you see him again?"

You nod, "At night, I open my eyes and he's just... there. In the shadows. I know I feel guilty about him being sent away- but why can't I get him out of my head?"

Natty leans across the table, gently squeezing your hand, "Because monsters do not simply disappear, they hide in the dark."

You look up at her greatful for her words. When you first told your friends about your visions of Sallow, you feared they'd think you mad, "Honestly, part of me has been tempted to sneak into Ominis's dorm now that it's just him in there."

Ominis sits down beside you, causing you to startle, "Honestly, I'm not sure that would do you much good, dear. Sometimes I wake up and swear I can hear his whispering."

You shake your head, eyes distant, "I don't know why I'm so afraid of him. He'd never hurt us.... right?"

Ominis's pause before speaking betrayed his answer, "Right."


Later that night, after curfew, you find yourself walking through the moonlight clock tower courtyard. You weren't nervous about any Professors catching you- after all you've been through, they understood your need for walks late into the night, as long as you remained within Hogwarts walls.

You walk out to the center, conjuring a few cushions to lay out on to stare into the starry sky. It's a quiet night, the only sounds are the chirping of crickets and the distant whinnies of thestrals in their stables- and the clicking of shoes on stone.

You sit up, scanning your surroundings. There in the shadows, you see him.

Your voice trembles, "S-Seb? No. You're not real. You're not really here."

Slowly, he steps forward- leaving the darkness of shadows to bath his form in the soft moon light. And to your horror, he's grinning at you.

Without wasting a moment, you sprint across the courtyard using your ancient magic reserves to all but teleport into the castle. Your lungs burn as you sprint through the corridors, but you dare not stop.

The castle ghosts look frazzled as you run through them- usually you were collected and polite. Even some of the portraits call after you in concern.

You make it to the slythering common room, thankful that the stone serpent seemed to sense your urgency. Nobody was in the common room, so you wasted no time beelining it for Gaunts dorm. You paid no mind to the idea that your running across the metal grating could wake the other boys along the hall.

"Alohamora," You quickly cast the unlocking charm on Ominis's door, entering and slamming it behind you, casting every locking and protection charm you could think of.

Ominis was already awake, sitting up in bed confused, "Y/n? What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, quickly coming over to embrace you. You fell into his chest, sobbing, "It's him. He's here Omi. It's really him."

Ominis ran a hand soothingly over your hair, chin resting atop your head, "Love, he's not here. Your guilt is playing tricks on you, making you see things in the shadows."

You shake your head sobbing harder into his black sweater, "No. No you don't get it Omi. He stepped into the light. He was as real as you or I. I don't know how, but he's here."

Just then, a pounding on the door rattled the thick wooden frame. Y/n let out a terrified sob as she clutched Ominis, him returning the favor- her fear becoming his. Another loud succession of knocks.

Then a voice.

"Mr. Gaunt. Please tell me Miss L/n is in there with you," Professor Sharp's tired yet urgent voice met their ears.

Ominis freed a hand from embrace to open the door, and the Professor quickly entered, slamming the door behind him and casting the same succession of spells that Y/n had cast before turning to the trembling pair of students.

His heart burned a bit at the sight, they were too young to deal with all of this. His voice was firm as he spoke to them, "Something tells me you already suspect this, but we have just received word and Sebastian Sallow has escaped containment. And we suspect he's coming for you."

"W-whys that professor?" Y/n asks, trembling.

Aesop sighs running a hand down his face, "You two better sit down."

Far away, on that dark and distant rocky island, a cell sat empty. The stone walls eroded my years of sea salt spray- there's two names written in dripping crimson.

Y/n L/n


Ominis Gaunt


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