Where do I Go Now? (fatherly!Sharp x reader)

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Description: After the reader's legal guardian, Professor Fig, dies in front of them, it becomes clear that they are likely to be returned to the awful muggle orphanage over the summer. However, Professor Sharp has other plans.


"You don't have to go back there, y/n/n." Sebastian reaches across the table to place his hand on mine. "Stay with Ominis and I in Feldcroft. Please."

"I would if I could, Sebby." I assure him, brushing away my tears with my free hand, "But Headmaster Black already reached out to that wreched place and informed them of Fig's death.

The mere thought of going back to that awful, despicable place fills me with nausea.

It's been two weeks since the death of Professor Fig, one since I was released from the hospital wing, and two days since I've rejoined the student population. Of course Professor Black wasted no time.

"Someone's approaching," Ominis whispered to us, causing us to sit straight. I futally attempt to clear the tear stains from my face, but I know better-  my eyes are thoroughly swollen.

I look up to see who is coming to us, and am surprised to find Professor Sharp limping his way from the head table. "Good morning gentleman," he addresses Sebatian and Ominis before turning to me, "Miss l/n, would you mind stepping to the corridor for a word?"

I nod, standing, "Of course Professor."

We walk in silence, the Professor waiting until the doors of the Great Hall swing closed, "I heard this morning of the stunt Professor Black pulled, Y/n. I'm very sorry."

I shrug, attempting to write the situation off, "It's alright, sir. It's only for a few summers."

He smiled sadly and shook his head, "Eleazar told me about the conditions of that orphanage after he gathered you from there, I'm afraid it's not alright. That is why, if it is okay with you, I'd like to sign the papers to adopt you."

My eyes widen in shock, "Wait, what? Why?"

Sharp chuckles at my reaction, "You have to be the toughest person I have ever seen, let alone at your age. I watched you single handedly take down Ranrok, not to mention Rookwood and Harlow. You deserve some peace, my dear. I can't help but respect you and your ingenious young mind. Professor Weasley worked up the papers, if you allow."

Tears once again stream down my face, "Uh- I. Yes, of course sir." Is this a dream?

"Wonderful," he smiles comfortingly down at me, "Meet me in Professor Weasleys office at noon. I have some business to attend to first. Now run along and eat your breakfast before Sallow inhales it all." I chuckle through the tears as he walks away. Did that really just happen?

I walk back into the Great Hall, mind elsewhere.

"Well, what was that about?" Sebastian questioned as soon as I sit down.

"Professor Sharp is adopting me." The words come out as if I don't believe them, because I don't.

Ominis chokes on his biscuit, and Sebastians drink dribbles out of his mouth as they shout simultaneously, "What?!"

I begin laughing, "I have no idea. He just asked if I would be okay with that?"

Sebastian jumps up with excitement  and hugs me over the table, Ominis patting my back, "That's amazing! Merlins beard!"
The next day, I  woke up to an owl lightly pecking at my face. "Bloody hell," I  mumble groggily, shooing away the tiny creature away.

On my chest, i find a small rolled up piece of parchment. Rubbing my eyes, I unroll it.

"It's bloody Saturday. Who sends owls this early?" I grumble, holding out the parchment to read it.

Miss Sharp,

Well, there's something I'll never get used to.

Please meet me in the transfiguration classroom at 11am. No need to wear your uniform, this will just me a casual meeting.

Deputy Head Mistress Matilda Weasley

I roll over and look at the clock. 10:30.
Bloody hell. I roll off of my bed in the room of requirement, looking around.

...something smells. Oh merlin, it's me! Gross!

The room, once again sensing my needs, rumbles and shifts. The left of my bed, an ensuite bathroom appears. I laughing look to the ceiling, "Thank you!"

Quickly showering, I charm my hair dry, letting it fall naturally over my shoulders. I decide on a long emerald dress with a black corset (I wasn't planning on leaving the castle today, no need for armour or trousers), and scurry off out of the Room of Requirement.

"I'll be back in a bit, Deek!" I shout to him before the door closes. Running late, I floo flame to the courtyard. The door to the transfiguration classroom was closed. Odd.

I knock on the heavy wooden door as slowly open it, "Professor Weasley? I'm sorry I'm late. I-"

"Surprise!" A chorus of voices ring out, startling me half to death. The door now fully opens, revealing the scene inside. The place is decorated with dazzling fairy lights and streamers, and filled with my friends and Professors.

"Oh?" Is all I manage to stammer out- to say I am confused would be an understatement.

Professor Weasley pushes her way forward, "Y/n, you have done so much for this school- nay. The entire Wizarding World. The least we could do is throw you a little party- especially to celebrate your adoption."

I can only chuckle in amazement, eyes traveling between my friends and Professors. When they fall to Professor Sharp, he just shrugs, "You try telling Professor Weasley not to do something."

A/N: a short little stupid one for y'all bc my brain isn't braining and the creativity isn't creating.

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