Taking the Fall (Sebastian x Reader)

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Request: The boys find out that reader has taken the fall for the murder of Solomon Sallow. As a Hufflepuff, the reader has seen the inside of Azkaban and decided that they could never allow Sebastian to go to such a place. Besides, she had done much worse things than he ever dreamt of.

Third Person POV

Sebastian and Ominis were startled by a knock at their dorm room door, pausing their packing. Sebastian opened the door expecting to see y/n, instead he found imelda holding a package.

"Uh, hello Imelda." Sebastian said, confused. "I was expecting you to be Y/n."

Imelda shrugged, "She left already, something about the orphanage requiring her back. Anyway, she asked me to give this to you lot." Imelda turned, swaying back down the hallway without another word- leaving Sebastian standing there dumbstruck, package in hand.

As he closed the door and turned he found Ominis standing by his bed, brows furrowed, "I thought she was joining us in Feldcroft for summer holiday?"

Sebastian sat the package down on the bed, "She was."

Wordlessly unwrapping the brown paper, Sebastian found two items and two notes. He handed Ominis the parchment addressed to him, and began to read his own.

"My dearest Sebastian,

To begin this letter, I wish to tell you that enclosed in the package I have left the Ancient Magic Wand. It is virtually useless now, but if it were to fall into the wrong hands the results would be devastating. Keep it close, let it remind you of me. Protect it.

As you now know, I've left Hogwarts early. I'm afraid I've done something that you will not like, but please know  I've done it of my free will. The head Aurors from the Ministry showed up to the school this morning reporting the death of your uncle. As underage witches and wizards, our use of magic is tracked. Usually, they have no way of proving who in the household was casting.

However when it registered that someone had used an unforgivable curse, they had no choice to investigate. They had suspected it was Solomon, but when they arrived to find him dead the aurors realized it was not his doing.

As I'm sure you are beginning to catch on, I have turned myself in. You only killed him in defense and a fit of passion. I've killed dozens, if not hundreds at this point, completely willingly and lucidly. I've been to Azkaban with my house, Sebastian. I've seen what that place is like. I could never let you go there to suffer for a single mistake when it is I who have done heinous things.

In the end, my dear Sebastian, when you think of me- know that I loved you. Know that it is not your fault, I know you will blame yourself. If given another chance, I would do it a hundred times over. Think of me with lightheartedness and love.


Sebastian didn't even notice the tears streaming down his cheeks until he dropped the parchment. For me, he thought to himself, She turned herself in to protect me.

Ominis finished reading his letter, tears also falling down his cheeks. He reached into the pile of paper and pulled out an old, worn briefcase.

He felt Sebastians eyes on him as he pulled the base into his lap, running his long pale fingers over the cold metal clasps. "It's a vivarium," he whispered, "She charmed the case so she could leave her beasts to me."

"Oh." Is all Sebastian could think of saying. He had picked up the wand she had left for him, carefully running his fingers over the wood.

Together they sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, until Sebastian finally broke it, "We have to save her."  He spoke with a finality that Ominis had seen only few times before.

"We do, Sebastian. But I do not have the slightest idea how." Ominis shook his head.

An idea sprung into the back of Sebastians mind- a crazy one at that, "But I know some one who might."

The next day, it was announced that Y/n was to be put on trial that very evening. Sebastian and Ominis had moved fast, explaining the situation- minus the part that Sebastian had been the one to kill Solomon- to a select few people that they had known would stand in defense of Y/n.

The room was quiet as Y/n stood before the Wizarding Gammit- all eyes on the girl, watching and waiting for her to show signs of being the dark witch she had confessed to be.

"Seeing as no witnesses have come to the defense of Miss L/n," the Minister spoke with an air of authority, "It appears it is time for the vote-"

The door in the back of the court room slammed open, revealing several figures. "Not so fast, Minister."

Professor Weasley strode into the room, followed by Hecat, Sharp, Onai, and Ronen. Sebastian and Ominis followed after them.

Professor Weasley continued to speak as the approached Y/n, flanking her on either side, "I was not under the impression that it was common practice for the Ministry to forgo alerting those on the side of the defense of impending trial."

There was a murmur from the crowd, and Professor Hecate stepped forward. Her aura challenged the authority of even the Minister, "I was also under the impression that exceptions to the law were given in cases of clear self defense. Especially to those who have just in the past week saved the entirety of the Wizarding World."

The crowd again broke into an uproar, which the Minister attempted to silence with his gavel, "That is a good point, Professors. However, there are no witnesses to confirm that this was a case of self defense."

Professor Sharp cleared his throat, "On the contrary. Mr. Sallow and Mr. Gaunt were there. Had the nessacary steps been taken proceeding this trial, you would know that."

Ominis and Sebastian stepped forward, taking two vials from Sharp, "Veritas Serum, which had been verified by the court clerks."

The boys down the serum, hoping beyond hope that the Minister would not know enough to as specific questions.

"Very well," the man's voice boomed. "Sallow, Gaunt. Is it true that the three of you were present at the time of Solomon's death."

"Yes," the boys spoke in unison, voices calm.

"Is it indeed true that Solomon Sallow presented a threat at the time of the murder."

"Yes sir." "Indeed sir."

"Therfor," Professor Weasley added, "That the act of killing Solomon Sallow was in self defense- and it saved your lives."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, seeing as the court has heard the tale of the brutal murder,"  The minister spoke, clearly attempting to make Y/n look like a vicious killer, "It is time to vote. Those who find the defendant guilty of using an Unforgivable curse with the intent to kill."

The man raised his hand confidently. He turned to see that only three others had raised their hands. Dejected, he spoke again. "Those who find the defendant not guilty."

The rest of the Wizarding Gammot rose their hands, confidently. Y/n looked around, amazed.

"Very well, it has been decided. We the Wizarding Gammot find Y/n L/n not guilty. You may be free."

The shackles around her limbs drop, and her wand appears on the stand infront of her. She makes no move to grab it, though. Instead, she throws herself into the arms of her boys. Her boys who saved her.

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