Valentines in Hogsmeade (Ominis x Reader)

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Description: Every year, the students of Hogwarts travel into Hogsmeade for an annual Valentines Day party at the Three Broomsticks. This year, Sebastian actually has a date- which means he is going to force Ominis to go. But who will be his date?


"You should ask her," Sebastian nudged Ominis as they sat at the breakfast table, "I have it on good authority she'd say yes."

"Not happening Sebastian," Ominis rolled his eyes, absent-mindedly poking at the eggs that had appeared on his plate.

"Seriously, Ominis," Sebastian elbowed his friend playfully, "You should trust me for once."

Ominis snorted, "Oh, yes. Like I haven't heard that one before. How's Solomon doing? Oh, wait."

Sebastian just rolled his eyes, tone suddenly serious. "Listen mate, Poppy told me that Y/n was hoping you'd ask her to go with you. I'd you are too much of a little bitch to go through with it, then I suppose that's on you."

As if summoned, Y/n and Poppy walk over to the table, arm in arm. The sound of Y/n's sweet voice sent a jolt through Ominis, "Sebastian, have you been bothering Ominis already? It's early and he looks pissed."

Ominis hopes his blush isn't visible as he attempts to brush off her attention, "Oh, it's nothing."

"Good morning, Y/n. Poppy," Sebastian winks at the Hufflepuff causing her to blush, "We were actually just talking about Ominis asking someone to the Valentines trip. Has anyone asked you yet, Y/n?"

Y/n's mouth presses into a thin line as she reached for a chocolate covered strawberry, "Yes, actually. Garreth and Leander." Ominis visibly deflated a bit, but Y/n kept talking, "I told them both no, it's not really my thing."

Poppy nudged Y/n, "That's not the whole of what you said." She urged her to continue.

"Oh, well," Y/n's blush was visible underneath her makeup, "I said there's only one person I'd say yes too- otherwise I think I'll just take the day to chase a snitch around the quidditch pitch or something."

Sebastian leaned forward, pressing his foot against Ominis's  underneath the table, silently urging his friend, "And who would that be?"

Y/n smirked and rolled her eyes, "Professor Sharp," she spoke sarcastically, not noticing Ominis kicking Sebastian under the table, "Why are you so nosey today, Sallow?"

Sebastian fought the urge to rub his aching shin, "What? Is it illegal to care about a friends happiness?"

"Poppy cares about people's happiness," she pointed her finger at the smiling ball of sunshine beside her, turning it to Sebastian, "You care about being a harbinger of chaos. And I'll never understand how in the hell you two ended up together."

Above the enterance, the large clock chimed, causing Y/n to jump up, "Bollocks, is that the time already? I promised Professor Hecat I would meet with her before class."

Ominis stood as she gathered her bag and robe, "I'll walk you," he smiled, stepping around the end of the table and holding out an arm for her to take, "I like being early to class anyway, it gives me time to read the text a bit more."

Y/n smiled, accepting his arm, "Thanks Omi," she turned to her friends, "I'll see you lot in herbology."

Sebastian and Poppy watched as their friends saunter away, arm in arm, laughing and talking with eachother.

"Maybe I should just ask her for him," Sebastian sighed, shaking his head.

Poppy shook her head, reaching across the table to smack his arm, "You stay out of it. Your meddling never helps the situation," her voice softens, "Besides, I have a feeling those two are going to work it out naturally between themselves."

Sebastian huffs, "Fine. But they have until this weekend to sort it out, she'll need enough time to buy a dress."

Poppy chuckles, "It's cute how much you care about her happiness."

"She was my friend first, you know," Sebastian grins, "But really, after all she's done for me- for all of us- she deserves to be happy. And I'm not letting Ominis's self depreciation get in the way of that."


"So who was Sebastian pestering you about?" Y/n asked Ominis as they walked, chuckling when he tensed, "Come on Omi, you can tell me. I won't judge," she teasingly gasps, "is it Imelda?"

Ominis laughs, shaking his head, "Oh merlin no. It's nobody, really. I don't think this girl would say yes anyway, so I'm just sparing myself the humiliation of being rejected."

Y/n pouts, "Oh come on Gaunt. You gotta tell me."


She huffs, "Fine then, can you atleast tell me about her?"

Ominis hums, thinking for a moment, "Very well. She's brave, and extremely powerful. Her soul is the most beautiful thing I've ever encountered, and I'm sure if I could see her I'd agree she's physically just as beautiful. She's kind, and funny, and so intelligent."

Y/n smiled, completely clueless. Ominis though, felt emboldened- and once he started he couldn't find it within himself to stop, "She's talented, fierce, yet she'd do anything for anyone. And despite her kind and giving heart, she doesn't take shit from anybody. She even keeps Sebastian in line... as much as one can, anyway."

Y/n chuckled at that last part, "She sounds truly wonderful."

Ominis paused as they neared the DADA classroom, "You are."

Y/n paused, eyes wide, "Wait. Me?"

Ominis smiled down at her, "Yes, you. And the fact that I'm even telling you any of this suggests that Sallow may have spiked my drink," his confidence began to falter a bit, "I'm sorry. If you are not interested, we can pretend that I never said any of that."

Y/n reached up and placed a hand to his cheek in attempt to calm him, "Ominis, calm down. Remember how I said there's only one person I would agree to go with?" He nodded, subtly leaning his face into her palm, "It's you."

His face brightened, "So you'll go with me?"

She giggled, causing his heart to flutter, "Of course, although you're yet to properly ask."

He smiled, "Y/n L/n, will you do be the honor of attending the Valentines trip with me?"

She smiled widely as she stands on her tippy toes to kiss him on his blushing cheek, "Of course."

A/n: Would you be interested in a pt. 2 about the actual date? Let me know.

Also, I'm so sorry for taking so long to post, life has been chaotic. Picking up extra shifts at work and having some complications getting my ADHD medication made the days really blur.

Also, my landlords are showing the house to potential renters for when we move, so that's chaotic as hell- you know- having to keep the house super clean and what not. Plus my husband is studying for his first set of boards so I want to try to keep his chore load as light as possible.... yadda yadda.

Anyways, for anyone who read this all- I just want to say thank you for supporting me in this stupid little hobby of mine. Seeing your comments always brightens even the busiest of days, so thank you all endlessy.

I promise I'll post more. I'm not going anywhere.


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