An Interesting Turn in Time pt. 2 (Hogwarts Legacy× MC× Harry Potter

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"So you are telling me," Dumbledore sat back into his chair, stroking his beard, "That you three sought out the Room of Requirement for a weapon, and you found these three?"

"Yes, Professor." Harry nodded looking over to where the slytherin trio sat, "I know it doesn't make sense, but-"

Dumbledore laughed, "On the contrary Harry. It makes the most sense anything has in a very long time."

The group of students looked over at the out of time Slytherins. MC sat on a fluffy velvet chair, legs crossed. Ominis sat on the ground in front of her seat, head leaned back onto it. His elbows rested on his knees as he twirled his wand between his fingers. Sebastian stood behind MC protectively, one hand on the back of the chair, the other on MC's shoulder. They looked almost regal. A queen on her throne surrounded by... what? Her kings? Her guardians?

"I'm afraid I don't understand, Professor." Ron chimed in almost timidly.

Ominis snorted, "Surprising."

MC gently nudged Ominis with her boot, but was clearly attempting to hold back a grin.

"You wanted a weapon, the Room gave you three." Dumbledore stood, waving his wand. Infront of him, a mirage formed. It was MC, fighting in the repository. Sebastian squeezed MCs shoulder, however MC didn't seem too phased.

"MC L/N. Two years before I started at Hogwarts, there was a goblin rebellion, as well as an evil man named Victor Rookwood. MC here not only took them down, but absorbed the Ancient Magic repository to protect it, much to her body's dismay. She is the last known Ancient Magic wielder, and the most powerful witch I have ever met." MC met the eyes of those around her, shrugging.

Next, the mirage swirled into smoke, then dispersed back out to a moving picture of Sebastian. Red and green lights flashed on his face, things exploding around him, "Sebastian Sallow, who almost went to the dark side. But despite it all, clawed his way back to the light. The self control of this man- well, boy now I suppose- is like no other." Dumbledore winks to Sebastian, "Plus, nobody throws a blasting curse quite like him."

Sebastian smirked a bit, shaking his head. The smoke once again spins out and regathers. It's Ominis, sitting in a field. He is wearing a white shirt, suspenders and khakis. On closer inspection, he is surrounded by puffskiens. "Ominis Gaunt."

The three Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry all let out a collective gasp. Harry's hand flicks to his side where his wand is. Poor Ominis can only hear the reaction, furrowing his brow sadly. MC and Sebastian curl their lips in a warning snarl.

Dumbledore raised his voice, authority reigning through, "There will be none of that!" The Griffindors ease a bit, but clearly not of there own volition. "Ominis Gaunt. The only truly pure Gaunt there ever was. He left his family after the events of their fifth year, moving into the Sallow house during breaks. He, despite all odds, turned out to be an amazing person. Powerful, sophisticated, and obviously loving." Dumbledore brought the attention back to the illusion, where Ominis was now being nuzzled by a hippogriff.

MC sat up straight and giggled, "Highwing!"

Dumbledore smiled over to his old friend, "Indeed."

The Griffindors have all relaxed, truly now. The Weasley twins didn't appear upset, but rather confused.

George raised his hand, as if asking for permission to speak, "If I may, sir. How come we have never seen the Gaunt name in the tales we have read about them?"

Dumbledore vanished the illusion and sat down once again, "With out revealing too much, Ominis changed his last name only a few years after separating himself from his family."

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