What else would you have me do? (Ominis x Reader)

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Description: Stuck in the Scriptorium, someone has to cast the Cruciatus curse. This causes a rift between Reader and Ominis.

Warning(s): Angst


"One of us has to do it," Sebastian sighed, restlessly hopping foot to foot. You were beginning to seriously regret talking Ominis into showing you and Sebastian the Scriptorium. Sebastians behavior was growing increasingly manic, to the point where he was now willing to cast Crucio? Or have it cast on him?

"I will not," Ominis scoffed, attempting and failing to hide his nervousness.

"For fucks sake," You yell over their bickering, "I'll do it, okay?"

"You will not," Ominis scolds, but you ignore him.

"Alright, hit me then," Sebastian held out his arms, "If it means we get in there, I don't care what it takes."

You stare at the boy, horrified at how he's changed over the last few months. He wasn't the same, which is why you knew he couldn't be the one to cast the curse. Darkness was already blooming within him.

You lean in close, and speak, "You should know I'm not doing this for the sake of you getting into the Scriptorium. I'm doing this so Ominis and I don't die because of your infatuation. Crucio!"

You cast the spell and drop it as fast as as you physically can, Sebastians screams and the momentary satisfaction that flowed through you making you physically ill.

Sebastian is recovered and through the door before you are, leaving you bent over and retching, the contents of your stomach already vacated. You thought Ominis would come to your aid, sooth you.... but he brushed past you without a word.

"Just find whatever it is you're looking for, Sebastian. I would like to leave," Ominis snapped, "Now."

In the days that followed, Sebastian was his overly enthused self. There was no sign of the temporary torture you inflicted on him. For that, you were greatful.

However, there was the matter of Ominis, who hasn't talked to you in days. You had hardly seen him, and in the fleeting seconds that your eyes fell upon him, he would find a way to excuse himself and leave.

Today though, you had decided enough was enough, you were going to track him down and get to the bottom of, well, whatever his issue was.

Luckily, the blind boy didn't notice you follow him to the undercroft. Stepping through the gate, you cast a locking spell. He wasn't going to run away from you, not again.

Your footsteps echoed off of the stone interior, alerting Ominis to the presence of someone in the room, "Sebastian?"

"Not quite, no," You speak gently.

His blank eyes widen, "Nows not a good time, Y/n. I have to go study for potions with Natty." He tries to make his way to the door, but you laugh with exasperation.

"Natty is in Hogsmeade with her mother. And you aren't leaving this room, I charmed the door." You watch as he bristles and turns towards you.

"You cannot lock me in here!" He shouts.

"I absolutely can, Gaunt! And I will until you tell me what in Merlins fucking name your problem is!" You shout back at him.

He scoffs, "You know exactly what you did, L/n."

"What, save our asses?" You laugh, disgusted with the boys behavior, "If it wasn't for me we'd still be rotting in there."

"You cast an unforgivable, L/n." Ominis shouted, causing you to flinch back a bit. You were greatful he couldn't see you.

"Would you rather it have been cast on me instead?" Your voice trembles. You hadn't thought he would say something like that. You knew he would always choose his oldest friend over you- a friend of only a few fleeting months.

"I- What? I-," Ominis seems surprised at the accusation, "I would never."

"It was either I cast it, or it be cast on me," You try to fight back the tears, feeling betrayed by the quiver in your voice, "Merlin knows you wouldn't do it, and Sebastian is too close to the edge, Ominis. He's too close to becoming dark." Your voice drops as you choke out a sob, allowing only a whisper, "It had to be me."

Ominis took in the sound of your sobs and sighed. Shaking his head he leaned against the pillar, slowly sliding down it to the ground. He ran a pale hand through his hair, "I didn't realize why you did it. It never occurred to me that it was to protect Sebastian..." He tapered off as he sighed, tilting his face towards the ceiling- ignoring the small thud from the back of his head hitting the pillar.

"I don't want you falling into the temptations of the dark arts," he spoke quietly, as if the words leaving his mouth were never one's he wanted you to hear.

"I won't, Ominis." You attempt to reassure the boy.

He laughs dryly, "Sebastian promised be the same, and you see where he is now." His eyes gaze unseeingly through you, but you feel self conscious- as if somehow he can see through to your soul. His next words send your heart through a loop, "I can't lose you too. From the second you came into your own sorting ceremony late- due to a dragon attack none the less- I knew you were trouble. That I should stay far away from you, never mind get attached."

He laughs, "That is the reason I was so  angry when I caught you leaving the undercroft- because I knew it was going to be impossible to stay away from you.

I was right- you were trouble. Getting attacked by a troll, being hunted down by the likes of Rookwood and Ranrok... what I didn't expect was for you to be so caring, so sweet and kind."

"Ominis," You breathe out, shocked at his rant.

"I'm not done yet," he stood, walking closer to you, "I didn't expect for it to be so damned hard to not care for you, Y/n. And seeing you cast an unforgivable, it reminded me of why I was afraid to get too close to you."

He is only inches away now, and you watch as his pale, slender hand reaches up to cup your cheek, "I can't risk losing you to the dark arts, because despite every effort to stay away from you, I've fallen in love with you."

"Omi-" you attempt to speak, but again he cuts you off.

"I'm almost done, I promise," he chuckles lightly, "I'm sorry for avoiding you the past few days, truly. And I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to speak before I do this. Push me away if you want to."

His lips crash down on yours, and all thoughts you previously had scramble into nothingness as you kiss him back.
A/n: Happy New Year, apologies I haven't written in a bit. Between the holidays and getting Baldurs Gate, I've been quite busy. I promise I'll catch up to my normal schedule.

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