Shifting Here (Sebastian Sallow x Reader)

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Description: In the past, the reader had explained how she had shifted to Hogwarts from another reality. Sebastian decides that being with her in only one reality is not enough, and one day, while the reader is at work and extremely familiar face shows up.


Working at a bookstore had its perks, really. From discount books to being able to read on the job, in the long run, it all paid for itself. That's why, at this very moment, I'm lost in thought as I alphabetize the mystery section for the 8th time this week.

The small store was empty - being a Sunday in this tiny town, the emptiness was expected. I hear the door chime, indicating that customers had entered.

I'm about to pop out of the stacks and great them, but a familiar voice freezes me in my tracks.

"Are you sure we are in the right place?"

"She told me the name of the store and what state it was in. I'm fairly certain it's here."

We're the voice actors for Sebastian and Ominis friends? I had no idea... really, I had no idea who they even were. Well, shit. Maybe it's a coincidence that they sound similar.

I straighten my sweater and step out from the shelf, "Hi guys! Let me know if I can help you fin-"

A body slams into me as they wrap their arms around me. I started to panic at being practically mugged by a stranger until I realized the familiar scent of the person holding me.


I pull back and look up at him, and sure enough- it's Sebastian. He looks different, his clothes a casual black skinny jeans and green sweater.

"How the-" me eyes flick behind him, finding none other than Ominis... eyes locked on me, grinning.

"You can...?" I start, disbelief stealing my words.

"See you? Yeah, I- what did you call it Sebastian? - Scripted that I could."

I walked over to the wooden bar and sat down, holding my head, "I've finally lost it. I'm seeing video game characters."

Just then, the door chimed again. In walks a regular, Miss Connie. She's a cute, albeit sassy little old lady. She spots me and smiles.

I walk up to the counter, pulling out the books that she had ordered. She, in all her mischievous glory, leans over the counter, smirking, "Who's your handsome friends?"

She wiggles her eyebrows, and I stand for a moment in shock. She can see them too... which means...

Ominis saunters over behind me, reaching out a hand to shake Connie's, "I'm Ominis. The bafoon over their is Sebastian."

Sebastian waves goofily, "Hello ma'am!"

Connie shook Ominis's hand before winking at me, "And British too."

I quickly checked Connie out, ignoring her teasing comments. As she left, I locked the shop door behind her, turning to face the two boys where they were standing.

"She could see you. She even touched you. This is real." I stated flatly.

"Uh, yeah." Sebastian nodded, pinching himself goofily.

"How- how is any of this possible?" I walk up to Sebastian and place a hand on his cheek.

He brings up a hand to mine, leaning his face into my palm, "I told you, I'd find you in any reality, my love."
A/N: Short and silly.

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