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Chapter 9: Sweet and Sour Radish

Once the urge to eat another sweet and sour radish arises, it can no longer be contained. Boss Zhang recalled the delicious and slightly spicy taste, and his mouth was dry, even if he drank a few large mouthfuls of ice water, it could not be relieved.

But in the morning, he criticizes people for not doing well, and licks his face in the evening, where does his face go?

He tossed and turned for nearly an hour, although he was rationally shouting in his heart that "now the past is to slap his face" and "who goes is stupid", his body took honest steps, but before he took two steps, he saw Tang Yihe saying goodbye to the last guest with a faint expression, and then hung up the closing sign.

Boss Zhang: "..."

After all,

I didn't eat it that day.

However, the more you can't eat, the more itchy your heart becomes. Especially the next day, he saw one of his old regulars packing a radish into the store, sandwiching radish strips into it while eating balls, and eating with relish.

Boss Zhang watched the white and crisp sweet and sour radish being bitten off by the guest, and listened to the crisp "click", and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

What sweet and sour turnips, simply poisonous!

After suffering for a few days, the desire in his heart did not decrease but increased, Boss Zhang couldn't bear it, and he couldn't pull his face to buy it himself, so he simply thought of a "magic plan". He brought his son, who had just turned four, and instructed, "Well, do you see the brother on the other side?" Go buy a sweet and sour radish for Dad.

The son asked milkily: "What is sweet and sour radish?"

"Something that tastes better than your candy, don't say 'help dad buy it' when you go later, do you know if you bought it yourself?"

The little boy nodded in confusion, was pushed by his father, and stumbled over.

Soon after Tang Yihe's side opened, he saw a little boy who didn't walk very well bumped in, the child looked childish, and said a little inarticulately: "Big brother, I, I'll help myself buy it... Turnip!

"...," Tang Yihe thought he had misheard, "Who will buy it?"

"Zhu Cao said, help me buy it myself."

Tang Yihe was slightly stunned, and then he was a little amused, and his tone was softer, "What kind of radish?"

"Bolted bucket turnip!" The little boy danced and had almost forgotten his father's confession.

Boss Zhang on the other side watched his son enter for less than two seconds, then scratched his head and walked out with a distressed expression, Tang Yihe was still following, as if he was explaining something to him. Boss Zhang quickly shrunk into the shop and waited for his son to return.

The little boy walked towards his father, saw someone, and said aggrievedly: "I can't buy it."

"Why can't you buy it?!" Boss Zhang is anxious, he has seen Tang Yihe selling every day these days.

"My brother said no."

", how could it not be?!" Boss Zhang didn't believe it at all, he carefully interrogated his son's every word, and when he heard his sentence "I said I would help me buy it", his eyes were dark, and he completely understood that his son let himself be "exposed"!

Oh, so it was, it must be that the youngest son of the Tang family knew that he wanted to buy sweet and sour radish, so he refused to sell it to his son. He actually took such a vendetta that he didn't even give a child's face!

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