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Chapter 36

Tang Yihe asked coldly, "How do you know I live here?"

Mok said abruptly: "I have my channel, but don't worry, I have no malice, so I just inquired about you living here, and the rest is not excessive." Tang

Yihe: "..."

You've overstepped your distance, thank you.

He lived here, and even Wen Liguo didn't know, and Tang Yihe instantly suspected that he was being followed. He felt a cold sweat in his heart, and he didn't know if Xiao Ha was exposed, but this man's expression should not be there.

He was already very careful when walking his dog, and he always went out from behind, and Xiao Ha did not appear at the main gate once, unless he went around the woods behind and followed him closely, but with Xiao Ha's domineering, he would definitely not be able to bark when breaking into his territory.

"Today is off, I don't take private guests." Tang Yihe made a coffin face and wanted to close the door.

Mox's thick arm opened the door: "Boss Tang, don't be so indifferent!" I brought two foodies here today who are very interested in your craft. The

man next to him, one in his twenties, was fashionably dressed, and the other wore glasses, looking like an old pedant, and seemed to be very jealous of Mox, and only then dared to speak.

"Mr. Tang, hello, I am a food writer certified by the Food Association, my name is An Jie." The fashionable man said, and took out his work card with a slender jade hand coated with pink nail polish, which was proudly stamped with the seal of the Food Association.

Another old pedant said: "I am the vice president of the gourmet association, I have heard about your products, I am very interested, I wonder if I have the honor to taste them?"

Mox smiled: "By the way, I forgot to introduce, my name is Mox, I am a soldier, and we are all serious people." Tang

Yihe: "..."

With all due respect, you three really don't look serious.

But the certificate is indeed genuine, and it can be scanned by registered professionals. The two gourmets are also sincere and eager, hoping to try his craft and promising to help him promote it.

In the past, his private restaurant also had many media interviews, which would bring considerable follow-up benefits.

Tang Yihe weighed it, there was no more to worry about, and then thought of his vegetable field, hooked his lips and smiled: "Then come in."

Mox sneaked in with joy, and he knew that no restaurateur would resist the temptation of a food critic.

The villa's small garden has changed from the clutter of the past, and at this time it is orderly divided into several fields with small seedlings of different heights and seedlings neatly planted on them.

The crops that come out of the farm grow extremely fast, and they can emerge in half a day, and they can grow more than ten centimeters tall in three days, almost three or four times as high as before.

Tang Yihe initially thought that these seedlings were too eye-catching, but later checked on the Internet and found that the same is true of improved modern crops, lettuce that originally took a month to ripen, but can grow in only ten days, and his batch of seeds is inconspicuous compared to other farms.

The visitors also saw the vegetable field, which Mox did not recognize, but the old pedant recognized it, pushed the glasses and asked incredulously: "Are the ingredients in Mr. Tang's store all grown by himself?"

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