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Chapter 10: Under the sweet and sour turnip

The salty and sweet dispute has also quietly spread to reality from the comment area, one three five supply sweet and sour radish, two four six supply sauce radish, this is still good, the key is that Sunday "look at the mood" three words have a big article, because the mood of this kind of thing, diners can not see, equal to opaque operation, so everyone defaults to the boss to see the sales to decide which radish to launch.

The salty party and the sweet party secretly competed, and in the first week, they actually secretly sold sales in an attempt to arouse Tang Yihe's attention.

——In general, these two parties are idle and do not fight for steamed buns. The salty and sweet party is eager for him to pick his own taste to be crowned prince, and when the time comes, he can mock each other on the two high-rise buildings of Dianping, in order to prove that his taste is the boss's favorite, and the political correctness of Tang Gate cuisine.

Where did Tang Yihe know that this little wave was torn, and after a few days of calculation, he found that the sales of the two radishes were basically flat, and he was a little relieved. He was originally worried that interstellar people love sweetness, and he is actually not very good at sweet dishes, so he launched the salty and sweet sauce radish to explore the way, but he did not expect that the diners said no, but the body honestly accepted the new taste.

Sweets are pleasant, but they tend to be full, while salty and fresh stimulate appetite and make them more profitable in the long run.

After the sauce radish successfully opened the situation, Tang Yihe began to consciously continue to reduce sweet dishes in the menu, especially those interstellar ingredients that he couldn't understand and weird-Bibi beast, Meng dry fruit and the like, once he ran out, he withdrew the relevant recipes and replaced them with familiar ancient dishes.

The crops on the farm were of high quality, and with garlic in hand, Tang Yihe began to promote stir-fried Chinese cabbage and stir-fried shredded white radish.

The drastically changed menu is clearly different from the meatless, sweet restaurants outside, not to mention that new diners are confused, and some old diners also suspect that pure ingredients have anything to eat.

Without adding fruit, they endured, without adding meat? Are you kidding???

In the end, it was the nearby student group who had an adventurous spirit and took the lead in trying these vegetarian dishes. The couple from before came to visit the Tang Gate cuisine again.

"Hehe, boss, I heard you have a new dish?" The girl flipped through the menu, "Why are there only a few meat dishes left?" Tang

Yihe saw that he was a familiar customer, and it was rare to explain: "The meat source is average, and I don't want to wronged you."

"Hahahaha boss really loves to joke, eat here in you, we will not be aggrieved!"

Tang Yihe smiled lightly: "Let's order."

"Then stir-fry Chinese cabbage and shredded radish." The girl blinked, "Don't let us down." The

boy silently gave Tang Yihe a complicated look: Don't look at my girlfriend before sparing no effort to push you in the circle of friends, but once you don't play well, she turns black in minutes, gets out of the pit and steps back, just ask if you are afraid!

Tang Yihe went to the kitchen, and the side dish robot had prepared all the ingredients for him. Those two dishes seem simple, but the simpler the dish, the more attention is often paid to the quality of the ingredients and the heat of the chef, so it cannot be handed over to the robot, and must be operated by yourself.

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