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Chapter 55

Dr. Lin came from work, leaving only a table of guests, Tang Yihe raised his eyebrows, afraid that he would tell him his illness, and quickly led him to the box.

"Why are you free? Did you have dinner? Dr

. Lin was speechless by his inquiry, thinking about when he was talking about it, but he couldn't help but look at his complexion, feeling that his makeup skills were so good, no traces could be seen at all at such a close distance, and his skin was almost transparent, or the kind of white and red.

But this is not the complexion that a progeria patient should have, and last time in the hospital, Tang Yihe's face was very pale.

He pointed to Tang Yihe's hair and cheeks: "Patients should not wear makeup and dye their hair, remove it." Tang

Yihe: ???

Dr. Lin repeated to him again, and popularized all kinds of harm.

Tang Yihe then knew that he was misunderstood, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "I didn't do those things. Dr

. Lin incredulously went up and rubbed his cheek, and Tang Yihe also generously asked him to examine it. When he found that there were indeed no traces of dyeing in his hair, Dr. Lin was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth: "This, how is this possible?"

Tang Yihe said, "I have paid more attention to diet and rest recently.


Lin was still shocked, took a deep breath and said, "It is recommended to take a blood test immediately."

In fact, without Dr. Lin's order, Tang Yihe also had this intention, so he quickly left work and went to the hospital with him.

Tang Yihe rolled up his sleeves, revealing a slender arm, and let the nurse draw several large tubes of blood. In fact, in Dr. Lin's opinion, the concentration of blood was still a little strange, but after the test results came out, he was shocked.

It has been a week since the last blood test, according to the development of Progeria, this time should enter a long mid-term decay stage, but the values of Tang Yihe's blood show that his decay has been curbed, and there are even obvious signs of improvement.

"Again... Check the function of the organs again. Dr. Lin's voice was filled with joy and disbelief, as well as the trembling of discovering a new continent.

This time, he personally operated the machine and compared the before and after differences between Tang Yihe one by one. Ten minutes later, Dr. Lin was surprised and delighted: "Mr. Tang's decay turned into an early decay value!"

Tang Yihe didn't seem surprised by this result at all.

Dr Lim was excited: "I've never seen such a development!

Because the last time has been checked several rounds, the decay reaction is a firm fact, by no means a misdiagnosis, but he has been practicing medicine for decades, because his wife's relationship also considers himself a half Progeria expert, but he has never heard of it from past cases, and there are still people who can get better without taking medicine and treatment.

He repeatedly consulted Tang Yihe about his recent routine and diet.

Of course, Tang Yihe couldn't tell the golden egg right away, but the vague answer also made him a little careless about hiding the doctor, and he answered ambiguously while forming a plan in his mind.

"...... I understand. Dr. Lin touched his chin and frowned, but he had already found the answer for him.

Tang Yihe: "Understand what?"

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